Reviews for Operation: Kidnap Lucy
jules828 chapter 56 . 10/3/2019
Holy wow I just found this and I love it so much
BorbFan28 chapter 56 . 9/13/2019
Thank you for posting a new chapter. I really enjoyed it!
BorbFan28 chapter 55 . 9/13/2019
Love it! They did a beautiful job!
cosmictrap chapter 55 . 9/6/2019
OH MANNNN i'm so sad, they shut down their page ;_;
zombified16 chapter 55 . 9/6/2019
Wow! For quite some time, I haven't been invested in fanfictions until this fell into my life. Your ability for story-telling and drive towards this story is so clear in your intent. You are masterful at telling your story!
I absolutely cannot wait until your next chapter. Amazing work!
Yours Truly,
Lexi1994 chapter 55 . 9/5/2019
Awww man I got so excited I thought it was a chapter update! I’ll check em out though
Guest chapter 54 . 9/4/2019
Pleeeeeease update soon! I just recently started reading this fanfic and it was so good I couldn’t stop til I was caught up! I absolutely love this story!
Guest chapter 11 . 7/16/2019
I thought his memory loss started after she rewrote his memories during the war?
Guest chapter 1 . 7/13/2019
It's spelled unacceptable. And the way you use apostrophes sometimes but not during other times is off-putting. But other than that, interesting first chapter.
BorbFan28 chapter 54 . 6/25/2019
SOOOO happy to have another chapter. This one is really good. I feel like we are gaining momentum and that there is a big fight coming up. yay!
aliciacevbra chapter 54 . 6/25/2019
I feel like you take forever to update! But I'm so happy to read the chapter that I forgive you for delaying.
savwafair chapter 54 . 6/25/2019
really, it's stache face's fault for making natsu the messenger
I love all the set up in this chapter! I can't wait to see the results of all these different groups working towards a similar goal, even if for some it's at the same time as working against the others
man I love this story I have no idea what's going to happen it's so great
FireShifter chapter 35 . 6/10/2019
Hey there! I've read your story from beginning to your last update, but this chapter speaks to me the most. My heart breaks for Lucy & I can affilate with Rouge's disbelief &anger her former guildmates' selfish response to Lucy's heartbroken cries for help! For healing! Especially, since that demon X, has twisted everything on worst fears &hidden wounds of deep pain! I hope both guilds, especially her closest friends, particularly Natsu (her soulmate) find her, hug her & assure her that they unquestionably love her! Before she is lost forever... Please update real soon! The heart-wrenching suspense is killing me!
BorbFan28 chapter 53 . 5/22/2019
YAY! I loved it! Well worth the wait. Nothing sucky about it from my point of view. Given I'm pretty amateur at writing but I really enjoyed reading this. I could feel the tension in the room and thought you captured their respective personalities nicely. Please don't doubt yourself. I appreciate you taking the time to make it a chapter you were pleased with, I'm sure you are your own harshest critic. I look forward to the next chapter! While I hope it's sooner than later, I completely understand if it's another wait. :)
Spinalittleglow chapter 53 . 5/22/2019
Great chapter! Hope we get a longer one next time
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