Reviews for A Dragon's Fate
Guest chapter 6 . 8/28
Please update, I love it
kathdng12 chapter 6 . 3/14
It’s Been a long Time that you don’t update
Your story is very interesting and I really want to know the sequel
So can you please update ?
KEZZ 1 chapter 6 . 12/23/2019
Fabulous story so far
I am looking forward to reading more soon please
Merry Christmas to you
Svetocha chapter 6 . 12/20/2019
I really like this. Natsu isn't driving me up the wall, it probably helps that it isn't NaLu. I really hope you are continuing this. It would make sense if Lucy some how met Nurum.
Ray Hitoshi chapter 6 . 11/22/2019
Amazing absolutely amazing, please update as soon as humanly possible.
DarkMoonHunter chapter 6 . 10/9/2019
love the story hope you update soon
MoonlightMiracle.SakurianaHime chapter 6 . 8/27/2019
Please update soon!
LunaStarLady chapter 6 . 8/17/2019
Omg i love this story so much. Im so happy she has natsu there to be her best friend to kean on. He never pushes her, he's just there for her. I know farron is coming from the right place but doing it all the wrong way.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/17/2019
Love this story look forward to the next update:)
MeraleeRose chapter 6 . 8/16/2019
I can't wait for the next chapter
Guest chapter 6 . 8/16/2019
Poor Lucy...
19vanelkc chapter 6 . 8/16/2019
Can’t wait for the next chapter!
LunaStarLady chapter 5 . 7/29/2019
Wow. To think she had a still birth. Thats so hard to go through.
animegirl549 chapter 5 . 7/27/2019
I’m finally catching up on all the fanfics I have saved. And out of all the ones I’ve caught up on so far, this is the one that made me tear up and cry. Losing a child isn’t easy and it really does explain why Lucy lashed out at Farron.. absolutely love this story! Keep up the great work!
Guest chapter 5 . 7/27/2019
Reading the previous chapter and this one again really hearts my heart. Now I know why Lucy tried to hang herself. And when Farron said he would do if they had a child together made me cry. The baby is dead and I don’t believe Lucy plans to tell him anytime soon. I would really look forward to Lucy talking things out with Kaleb or Bixlow to make her feel better.i really want to get her to feel better. Also, would Jude appear more often? I think it be great to see an actual progress within their relationship as father and daughter. It never showed in the show because with being trapped on the island for seven years. I hope there’s a chance we’ll actually see them get better
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