Reviews for Small But Cute
nadaoriginal chapter 1 . 8/21
A mí me parece una historia bastante tierna para ser tan breve. Me ha gustado bastante.
Cyberchao X chapter 1 . 9/8/2018
It's...okay. I'm not used to these type of stories starting with the main couple already together.

I'm more of a Konami shipper myself (though I actually returned to the Lucky Star section tonight in search of Mintaka), but I couldn't not check this out when I cade that this was dedicated to the Major. *salutes*
Magiclapras chapter 1 . 9/8/2018
A couple we don't see enough of.
8YLNX chapter 1 . 9/4/2018
Veri n1c3fzEst0riAG
Major Mike Powell III chapter 1 . 8/30/2018
Well, well, Li'l Lily~

HOO-RRAH~! 1st Review EVAR, Btches~!

Ohhhh Yuri-chan, Y U do dis~?! *O* Y U spoil me *this* rotten~?! X3 Oh God, I don't deserve you, Li'l Lily~ :'3 This was so beautiful, so~incredibly romantic, so vivid, so fluffy, so goodness~ Miyuki x Konata are pure magic, pure magic of love and height and chest size differences~ *O*

This was absolutely wonderful. Miyuki reassuring Konata's worries over her own body, and Konata reacting accordingly and my goodness~ *O*

Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Yuri-chan~ :'3 Fantastic work~

Semper-Fi! Carry on!