Reviews for Forgotten Memory
King of Music 2019 chapter 28 . 5/3
I know it has been a long time since you finished this, but I've only recently stumbled upon this work. I absolutely loved it, from the first chapter of Lost Soul until the last chapter of Forgotten Memory. I hope that, one day, you write another story to go after this one. If you do, I know it will be even more amazing than what you've done so far, as each story proves better than the last.

With cheers and best regards,
zap chapter 27 . 3/10
hIs nAmE iS nOt llOyD yOu iDiOt. jUsT tEll hEr ItS yOu
Guest chapter 28 . 2/23
I couldn’t tell you my favorite chapter - when you read the whole thing in a matter of hours, chapter names blur together.

I will tell you that Morro’s tattoo, with his initials, it made me tear up.

The realization that sweet little Gem’s mother was a Llorona, it made me gasp in my bed.

And Zane, sweet Zane, finally learning that he could ask for help, that when he needed it help would come - oh that was just fantastic.

You’ve built an amazing world.

I’d read about Morro and the Departed Realm and Gem and everyone else forever - your world was beautifully immersive and imaginative and I have no doubt that I’ll be returning from time to time.

Thank you so much for this amazing story!

Luna Lillyth chapter 28 . 12/14/2019
Heavy sequel in this one.
Gotta enjoy the emotional weight though.
Guest chapter 28 . 11/15/2019
PLEASE write another story(like the next part yk?) PLEASE! I love you’re series it’s soooo good! And I can’t wait for Nya’s 5 times!
imsolate987 chapter 3 . 10/2/2019
The Microwave Fiasco... TMF The Mother... O-O also great chapter! I love your writing!
Kifo Entiegon chapter 28 . 7/23/2019
This story was amazing. Just like the other two in the trilogy. I can't even say with one I like the best because they were all amazing. I hope you continue to write amazing works like this in the future.
Kifo Entiegon chapter 27 . 7/23/2019
My heart breaks as reading about Morro's mother. I hope Morro tells Lloyd what he's done in case Mona goes searching for him in the departed realm. And I hope Morro finds his father and gives him what for.
Kifo Entiegon chapter 18 . 7/22/2019
Yay! Lloyd and Morro are finally starting to understand each other now... i think.

But this chapter also got me thinking; if being possessed let you able to see others memories to some degree, wouldn't Cole have seen some of the memories that Jay had with him back on Misfortune's Keep all the way back in Lost Soul? Or did Jay purposefully block those memories from Cole?

Still love this story though. Hopefully the other ninja can become friends again.
Kifo Entiegon chapter 11 . 7/22/2019
I'm surprised Jay didn't try and pull forth a memory of him being hurt by Nadakhan and saying that he was envious of the others for being able to forget. But I really like this story. I hope everything turns out alright in the end.
Kifo Entiegon chapter 6 . 7/21/2019
Geez, Cole. I think you need to let the walliper go... though I have this image of Cole finding his walliper somewhere in the Departed Realm and getting really excited about it.
Iridescent Moonflower chapter 28 . 7/18/2019
Oh wow, I absolutely LOVED this; the writing was beautiful and the characters were spot on, yet with hidden depths that hadn't exactly been explored by the show. Especially the whole relationship between Cole and Jay - considering that the two are some of my favorite characters. Out of the whole trilogy, I'd have to say that Forgotten Memory is my favorite, and I liked chapter 19 the most (is it weird that the scene where Jay got stabbed is my favorite?) with Chapters 22 and 11 as close seconds. I am really, really glad I stumbled upon Lost Soul all those months ago and I can't wait to read more of your works!
PreciousCosmos chapter 28 . 6/14/2019
i'm sure you must have heard this 700 times already, but i just have to say that i've binged this whole trilogy and it really filled the morro-joins-the-ninja void the show left unexplored! i loved the way you wrote all the characters so much, especially lloyd, that these might as well be canon to me 3
sunshine chapter 28 . 5/28/2019
I'm feeling so emotional right now I love all of your stories your amazing never stop writing please
MasterOfSwag213 chapter 28 . 4/30/2019
Let me start with how AMAZING you are. If I sound down I’m INCREDIBLY sorry, your story almost made me cryThis story is beyond describable, and deserves a every like and review it received. I wish this story line would continue because this is the BEST multiple story line series I have read, EVER. You are a smart, imaginative, creative and TALENTED person, and will do GREAT things in life. I can already see it. I really Love chapter 26 I believe when we find out about Elias and Gem. And I think I like this part the best out of all three “book”. So much action and emotion, it’s just perfect. Like I said, you’ll do amazing and incredible things in this world, and I wish you the utter best. Thank you for writing such an amazing work of art.

~Sincerely, MasterOfMusic139
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