Reviews for Lords of Sky & Fire (Sky Kings 3)
Zakeraz chapter 5 . 1/15
Oh, well the reasons for the hiatus are unfortunate but understandable. You take care of yourself first, the story can wait. It’s been a great ride up to this point.
Zakeraz chapter 3 . 1/15
Raiden is adorable when he’s excited. Such a good lightning dog. Oh man though, this halter reminded me how ominous your foreshadowing is.
Zakeraz chapter 2 . 1/15
Well I hadn’t noticed you put this story up. Glad to see it’s still going and looking forward to digging in for more. And cool to see your Raths are growing into dreadkings. That’s so cool! It may seem Gary-Stu-ish at first glance but makes sense given Akairo’s explanation of all the training they’ve had and what little lore we’re given about deviants.
Brachydios1021 chapter 5 . 12/15/2019
SavagePickleJho chapter 1 . 12/10/2019
Hope things get better soon and I can’t wait to see if you decide to continue the story
Wes Craven chapter 1 . 12/10/2019
It's disappointing to hear that such an amazing story will be discontinued for the foreseeable future. But, understandably, your personal life needs to be your top priority. Whatever your reason is I wish you all the best, and hope that you will one day be able to return to this story.
SabreKnightNA chapter 5 . 12/9/2019
That's a shame, I had really loved this series. Your health is more important, though- stay safe Shingetsu, and I hope everything goes well for you. Thank you for the lovely story, and I hope that one day, whenever that is, you'll return. But for now... farewell, and thank you again!

TheRisingSpoon chapter 5 . 12/9/2019
I'm sorry to hear that. But, personal life take priority. I sincerely hope this isn't the end but if it is we understand.
TheRisingSpoon chapter 4 . 10/4/2019
Finally got caught up with this amazing story. Since the first chapter of 'Lords of Sky & Fire' I suspected Akairo was unique. Well, he's always been unique. Can't wait to see the next chapter.
Necron Dragon Lord of D.A chapter 4 . 8/30/2019
This is an important character development for everyone, including Akairo.

This will answer why everyone was afraid of him even, when hes one if not the most nicest Dreadking in the entire world.

They were afraid of his power, not the moster as a show of respect, that he's not someone you want to become an enemy. As for Akairo, well, i don't think being associated with the word Dreadking will suit to him, after all the work he put to show hes and will not be a bad monster XP.

There's no way the guild will not pass an opportunity of friendly study with him ( not on him ), only veteran hunters are allowed to be close on of this specie and here plenty of researcher Talk to him. Those researchers will be in heaven research, when they learn they talk conversation with one of the monst feared "deviant" monster, which at the same time Akairo is one nice monster once you gain his trust. XDDD

Bravo, bravo. The wait was worth in this chapter as Dreadking Akairo is not a danger because of his power, hes a danger to the group as pretty much he will put a target of everyone, when word spread of his specie in the proverbial "Wasp nest".
ShadowfireAngel chapter 3 . 5/28/2019
Heck, things are getting so tense now. First with how the second book ends and now these first three chapters. I'm on the edge of my seat with worry and concern. It's so hard to just pull myself away, always need to know more, always need to read more. Very much looking forward to the rest of the book!
SabreKnightNA chapter 3 . 4/26/2019
The tension's really stacked up right now- and I must say, I love that. It's always nice to see how each writer portrays their characters when under pressure, and since these poachers are a special case, it only makes things worse for everyone. The lengths that Amai and Teresa will have to go to, I imagine, will only put further stress on them.

May their travels be safe!
Gian206 chapter 2 . 1/5/2019
Ginouji, based on his changing appearance, I am fairly certain he is growing into a Zenith Rathalos. Akairo, based on his attack, I am fairly certain he is growing into a Dreadking Rathalos.
SabreKnightNA chapter 2 . 1/4/2019
I think you're handling this quite well. For us MH players, we know exactly what's happening, (I won't directly say it for other people's sake) but the characters obviously don't. The tension that Akairo is causing would be alarm for anyone, and for very good reason. Life around here's about to get... unpredictable.
Necron Dragon Lord of D.A chapter 1 . 1/4/2019
This is a high quality chapter, the changes are welcomed. some people are worried but from me I said get along with them as if they see you as allied, the Rathalos will aid you in evrything you need.

Those description of Akairo changes made me wonder if they have additional power unlocked? And that fire attack in the Pirate soo familiar.
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