Reviews for Three Kindred Souls
COUNTER GUARDIAN chapter 12 . 7/30
This is a great story, please update...
Kishinakutskikronoslvl78killa chapter 12 . 7/19
Keep it going bud! Looking forward to more Kindred Souls!
LionComet chapter 1 . 7/1
I really like this. I saw the videos as well... Wolf brash and outspoken but is innocent to a fault unable to understand the emotions displayed by his prey... Lamb calm and wise, knows all the harshness the world has to offer. and here I am re-reading this all over again... Never one without the other
Guest chapter 7 . 6/14
Wolf and lamb are kinda annoying after a certain point. They're just a constant, which while appropriate given what they are, isn't all that fun to read. Because their personalities are so one dimensional, you end up recycling the same dialogue with different words every time they speak.
OccasionallyCompetent chapter 12 . 6/8
Always great to see another chapter!
ConsumedPolecat chapter 12 . 6/8
I'm sorry for not doing reviews on all the other chapters, but stories that are this good tend to capture me and not let go. I can't wait for more of this story. Thank you for your hard work.
SomberFlight chapter 12 . 6/8
Honestly, I just hope that Jaune will become a bit more protective of Blake, and that there won't be weird cucking shit with Sun. Let him know, get him to back off.
Sansman212 chapter 12 . 6/8
Ok so to be honest with you I didn't read this when I saw it because it wasn't updated in a long time but now that I read it I have to say that this story is a 10/10 in my book so keep up the good work...also tell Lamb that she and Wolf are my favorite part of this story as well as Jaune and Blake...p.s all for of them are in such denial about there feelings for there respected partners... especially Lamb and Wolf.
Eramis8 chapter 12 . 6/8
A long awaited scene.
RedDemonEye chapter 12 . 6/8
Awesome to have you back my friend amazing chapter as always I love how your mixing your own work and rwby together to make something new it's really good anyway I'm looking forward to the emotional roller-coaster in the next chapter so keep up the good work and like always have a nice day. P.s ozpin is going to get his ass kicked can't wait.
NyaNyaKittyFace chapter 12 . 6/8
This was an a chapter. While nothing “exciting” happened, we did get relationship development and bonding between our characters. I do hate that Wolf and Lamb want Penny dead. It seems every time I come across a story lately, people say she’s some kind of abomination. It’s bullshit!

As for Ozpin, more proof as to why he’s my second most hated character in RWBY and that’s including Adam! The Brother gods are in the # 1 spot. Though there is a clear flaw in his plan. Several actually. There is no guarantee that whoever he chooses would side with him. Wolf and Lamb wouldn’t exactly stay quiet about Ozpin’s manipulations and lies, and whoever he chooses would have a stronger bond with Jaune than him. Plus when you actually think about it l, with Ozpin knowing all he does and failing the previous maiden, it’s pretty clear he’d fail this one as well. There’s a LOT of way Ozpin’s “perfect little plan” could blow up in his face and I’m hoping to see it do so in the most painful of ways. All Ozpin wants are pawns and it disgusts me how far he will go for them. The man truly is a parasite.

Ok got THAT out of my system, so Ozpin DOES know where Jaune’s father is? I’m guessing the change in name is for his family’s protection? I’m curious if he’s actually going to have Qrow get into contact with Saphron and if he does, how long would he delay their meeting?
Gangsta72217 chapter 12 . 6/7
Omg I am excited that ur updating this is one of my favorite stories on this site I truly enjoy what ur doin with it I hope u keep it up.
Titaniumfist3 chapter 12 . 6/7
Great chapter! I really enjoyed it and I am hooked. I had to reread all the chapters again to remember everything but I’m glad you didn’t forget this story. Keep it up!
VoidRunner006 chapter 12 . 6/7
I hope you stay healthy as well friend and thank you for this chapter
Malgrath chapter 12 . 6/7
Damn, the last time a chapter for this came out, I was a sophomore in high school now I'm in college.
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