Reviews for Altered Reality
BlackRazor077 chapter 1 . 4/2
Bro, wtf with those heights? Pyrrha is 6'8? do you have a fetish for tall women and decided to put your imagination here? I have never met a women that big in height. Jesus with all these unrealistic writing...
IROCK108 chapter 4 . 1/19
Guest chapter 4 . 1/15
I think he will choose Rin, because really no one else would make any sense, maybe Blake, but who ever it is I really hope it's not Pyrrha, I hate her so much in this, and I wish Jaune would listen to his fox about her and don't have any romantic feelings towards her. I don't know if your going for Arkos, but Pyrrha is so unlikable annoying and pushy, so much so that Arkos is a hard no for me in this.
Gabriel chapter 4 . 1/14
Weiss would be a good candidate
WildlyLaughing chapter 4 . 1/15
I'm guessing he'll want Opal as the supervisor?
Za Warudo chapter 4 . 1/13
You don't seem to be keeping Oda in character completely to what you showed in the 3 chapters before this one. Generally he was on Jaime's side completely and was looking out only for him, it was a trait of complete loyalty to a fault, whereas here he is for some reason trying to get Jayne to be nicer to a female neither of them have ever met in Professor Peach. This does not mesh well with how he has acted before hand, not even mentioning how Oda was indifferent to anything that would burst the girls bubble about how a man acts while in this chapter he is concerned about their reactions to Jaune's callousness? Why? For what reasons should he care for these people that he only tolerated before this chapter? Is this going to be a common theme where characters change personalities at the drop of a hat?
hellfire45 chapter 4 . 1/15
Good chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next and what Jaune is trying to cure
RCubed123 chapter 4 . 1/13
Like it. Good job
Glory over a new dawn chapter 4 . 1/13
I bet it’s Ruby
the-lost-memories6 chapter 4 . 1/13
Lol imagine he chose nora
Crovos chapter 4 . 1/13
It'd be funny to see Pyrrahs reaction if it wasn't her. Weiss would sound about right I guess.
Bomberguy789 chapter 1 . 1/13
Lie Ren genderbent is still named Lie Ren. Ren being the surname he shares with both his father AND MOTHER. Which we have known since volume 4. It vexes me that people still make this mistake.

Also, this being the first chapter so this may not be true for the other 3, but I will state this now - Jaune should not be the only male huntsman in the school. Even a 1/5 ratio still allows for other male students to appear, and with them being male Jaune is therefore more likely to interact with them. Also, new speaker should always be on a new line, basic rule of grammar. Would also like to point out that Jaune is entirely hypocritical to say that the girls on his team should feel free to change in front of him "because he has 7 sisters," but then feels wronged when Pyrrha says it's fine if he changes in front of them - that's a double standard.
Dakenistaire chapter 4 . 1/13
About The Qrow's comment:

High heels were originally made for men. They kept the feet of riders in place on the stirrups, allows nobles to walk around in less sanitary conditions back then without getting filthy, and were seen as making somebody seem more powerful and dominant with their increased height. They were seen as a male accessory for most of the centuries they have been around. 16th century courtesans wore high heels, but this was another aspect of them behaving in traditionally masculine ways of the time in addition to things like drinking and smoking.

It is a very simple thing to assume that a woman dominated Remnant originally created them for the same reason as in real life and then never made the transition that real world fashion did so they remained a symbol of women's dominance and power in society rather than a method for the opposite gender to seem more attractive.
death'sgodson1224-DGS chapter 4 . 1/13
OH boy... go with the update.
Snake551g chapter 3 . 12/5/2019
any chance of this coming back..?
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