Reviews for Old Glory: Lost Fleet of the Republic
Golm-Fervse-dra chapter 2 . 8/31
You are very brave for writing a sequel-era story after Episode VIII clashed with everything else so hard. I like the way this story links the Holdo Slam to something more spectacular.

The way you show the reader what people are thinking without constantly jumping to first person thoughts is nice. I might try to do that more often.

One minor thing in the chapters I have read so far that is a bit distracting. Sometimes, you use using MLA/APA "quote," yet other times you are using Oxford-style "quote".

Sometimes you do this in the same paragraph and it is a tad bit distracting.
LadyKDQ chapter 11 . 7/7
This is interesting and I love it.
stars90 chapter 11 . 7/7
Excellent work. I can't wait for Bastila to catch up with Rey
Jose19 chapter 1 . 3/17
The story is pretty good but don’t mention Disney since they ruined the Star Wars series in my opinion.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/27
Chapter 3... beyond confusing
Caver Floyd chapter 11 . 2/28
There were some really confusing things in this story. Like how General (First Order) Hux randomly transformed into General (old Imperial) Pryde. And it is even mentioned in story that the characters are confused too. I can understand wanting to get rid of Hux because honestly he is annoying but you could have just killed him off.

Sleer seems to be latently Force-sensitive, which is cool, but it almost seemed like she did some kind of life drain type of thing to that stormtrooper that she stole the armor from. She was crispy on the outside of her armor, but he was crispy on the inside of his. Then you have Revan calling her Meetra and remembering the abilities of his Meetra.

Some of your edits have not been universalized. There are still some chapters where Rabbit Leader's last name is Sky.
Lawrence HBain chapter 11 . 2/21
I got to ask... why didn't you do it in such a way that Luke lived... honestly I feel like this maybe a disappointment that hangs over your story as I find myself thinking about it every time this story's updated..
sergio537411 chapter 10 . 1/25
Cuando será el próximo capítulo?
noobie53 chapter 3 . 1/14
Hammerhead corvettes are fleet killers? That's an inside joke right? A reference to Rogue One?
noobie53 chapter 1 . 1/14
Awesome! I'm not the only with this sort of idea. Now I am definitely going to give it a shot!
Majdnoon chapter 10 . 1/7
Love the chapter! Well-written and quite gripping. It makes me wonder about what will come next. I also enjoy the idea that the Knights of Ren are like Kreia in that they no longer want to be bound by the Force's will. The hint that Mission is Force-sensitive is super-cool, and there's now a lot of themes swirling around for us to explore! Very excited about where this goes!
DhuryamDhuryam chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
This was good work. It really felt like a prologue. The synopsis at the start of the chapter felt just like what one would see in the opening credits of a Star Wars film.
You demonstrate that winning a battle has two sides. While it's good to win, it often still comes at a cost, as said by Master Vandar.
The action, especially aboard the Star Forge, was well written and easy to visualize. People fighting over shuttles to escape from the doomed Star Forge showed their desperation.
I loved the reference to Red Squadron, as there was one in A New Hope. The emergency hyperspace jumps makes me curious to read on. It was neat to end the chapter by bolding 'The Lost Fleet of the Republic'.
There were some word usage issues, such as using 'where' when it should have been 'were' and I did
have to reread a few things to fully understand them, but there were no major issues.
GinsengH chapter 9 . 12/8/2019
It's an interesting concept for sure. The characterizations are a bit cartoonish though, specifically the dialog for Revan, which is surprising since you do seem to make a point to address the cartoonish nature of certain TLJ plot points (ie: Poe having a silly back and forth with General Hux in the beginning of the movie).

The MLK speech by HK was the highlight of this story. Very funny.
Dyrnwyn1994 chapter 9 . 11/21/2019
Something is obstructing their site huh? Strong in the dark side of the force? This entity wouldn't happen to be our good ol' Papa Palpatine would it?

Also i'd really like to see Revan take charge of the resistance/new republic/old republic fleet/army. He is a tactical/strategic master mind, the only reason the republic survived the mandalorians.

And you've got Carth and Canderous and, even Bastila to a certain degree, each of them have a solid understanding of war and tactics/strategy. If none of them are given their own command (especially revan) it's gotta be a good reason. Seriously Carth becomes an Admiral and Canderous becomes Mandelore. They've served in two wars back to back, that's too much experience that the resistance can't ignore. Their command structure took a huge hit, Ackbar and Holdo being the big two, and who knows how many other officers that were lost.

But don't don't mind me, just voicing some thoughts i had. Who knows though, maybe my pointing these couple of things out might fill in certain areas of your story or poke holes in it lol. Holes that are fixable since you haven't posted anything past this yet. Looking forward to the continuation of your story, there aren't many time travel old republic stories out there and yours is one of the most engaging that i've read. Looking forward to your next post, whenever that might be.
stars90 chapter 9 . 11/21/2019
Oh man. You've got me really curious as to what you're gonna change about the First Order
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