Reviews for Like water
Dans-mes-reves chapter 1 . 5/19
Hey ! I just came across this story and I love it! I am really looking forward to reading more, if there is one (please don’t give up this story!) and I want to see this moment when Magnus and Alec will be reunited in their original time! I find it great how their relationship develops more and all these new memories! I hope that there will be a sequel (pleeeaaaase) and bye.
P.S: I’m French and don’t speak English very well, please forgive me if there is any mistake.
elemy.t1 chapter 14 . 5/7
more soon? please?
Guest chapter 14 . 3/19
I just found this story and read the whole thing in one day and then sent the link to my friends. Hope you update again soon, I can’t wait to see what happens in the other time skips.
book-crazy321 chapter 14 . 3/20
I absolutely love this story. Its really hard to find good Alec and Magnus stories that aren't one shots. I know its been awhile but I hope you continue this. Its really a good one, once I started reading this I couldn't put it down. Please Continue.
Ca.zaphira chapter 1 . 3/14
Love this. Hoping to read more of the various times that Alec gets to see Magnus and finally make it home to his Magnus.
Thelastfewtimestoremember chapter 14 . 1/23
OMG I just found this story and it's amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter, please update soon
Guest chapter 12 . 1/20
Guest chapter 14 . 1/14
I’ve read and reread this story over three times and I just found it in December! Can’t wait for the next update
Guest chapter 14 . 12/18/2019
I love this and can’t wait for the next chapter cause I really want to see Alec and Magnus reunite because it’s always hilarious.
Guest chapter 14 . 9/11/2019
I'm dying for the next chapter! Please update soon!
MageVicky chapter 14 . 8/26/2019
great chapter! i enjoyed alec kicking ass
Dee0703 chapter 14 . 8/12/2019
So great! I just love all your Malec stories! Keep writing!
TheDarklordsServant chapter 14 . 7/31/2019
this chapter was really good and I'm grateful for it dont let anybody keep you from writing what your muses say . sorry for my English but I'm actually german and doing my best with this comment I'm better with reading than with writing
willsonny chapter 14 . 7/31/2019
can't wait for the next chapter hope update soon
Guest chapter 14 . 7/30/2019
Oh that was the hottest thing I've ever read.
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