Reviews for SNK Heroines: Tournament of Dignity
RobertCop3 chapter 54 . 9/27
Wow. Somebody needs to remind Aoi that even though they're fighting, she and Athena are still on the same side. Methinks she's getting just a little TOO zealous here. Not saying either girl should go easy on each other, just... REMEMBER they're both the good guys. Or girls.

And Athena finally has her work cut out for her. After fighting girls off of SNK's B-List for the first two rounds, she's battling someone with a little more plot armor.

I'm starting to think that the women who dropped out in the first two rounds should consider themselves lucky. EVERYONE in this round is getting jacked up. Leona got her head split open, Lien suffered permanent deformity, Angel was... teleported to Shiki's sex dungeon? Maybe?

And I'm not gonna lie. Given what happened in the first two fights, I'm a little surprised that double whammy at the end didn't burn Aoi and Athena's clothes off, or at least the top halves. I'm looking forward to seeing how this fight concludes, but if I were a gambling man, I'd say Athena's run is about to end.
Major Mike Powell III chapter 6 . 9/27
Well, well, my friend~

Poor Kyouko. XD Like...XD Poor Kyouko. :P She's got it *really* rough, huh? XD She's indeed a cosplayer in a VERY BIG pond. LOL And Nakoruru's advice? :P *OOF.* XD That was kind~a savage for a sweetie cutie patootie like her.

Aoi and Moe's conversation was nice. It was nice and pretty heartfelt too, including Leona. :3 That was

And wow. XD Wow. Wow~ *WOW* Jenet! *O* Daaayuuuum! Dayum, Jenet and Alice~ XD Wow. Goodness. That was an incredidble conversation for *adults*, indeed~ *O* Dayum. That was amazing, that was my favorite part of this chapter~! *O* Mmmmmm! That's my Jenet~ Poor, pooooor Alice~ XD

Good work~! :3 I'll be around~ ;D

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
Major Mike Powell III chapter 3 . 9/25
Well, well, my friend~

Ok, I'm not gonna lie: a few names here kiiiinnd~of flew over my head. Some of these names are complete strangers to me, but even so, this was a fun second half of the initial gathering. :3

And daaaayum, Bonne Jenet doe! *O* Oh my goodness, her entrance was absolutely *fabulous!* Mmmmm~! *O* Ohhh the dress. The dress. Too bad Jenet's beloved family, her studs, her beloved Lillien Knights had to take a bow and leave. XD

Also, wow. Wow. The scene of the Hakkeshu's, that was amazing. That was an amazing entrance. So bad, *SO* bad, yet soooo beautifuuuul, oh my goodness. The literal definition of femme fatales~ Mmmhmmm! X3

And then, the Lady of the Mansion herself appears. *O* Elisabeth-sama~ Mmhmm~ Madame. *O*

Good work~ Advancing~

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
Major Mike Powell III chapter 2 . 9/23
Well, well, my friend~

Hello there. :3 I'm a friend of a friend that linked me to this story a short while ago. ;3

Now, this story...oh my goodness. LOL What a premise. What a premise, fo' shu~ LOL *Only* ladies minus one single exception, 'cuz, of course, Miss Blanctorche can't get rid of *him*, all under the same roof. LOL Fighting and shenanigans will abound, I'm sure of it~ ;3

But as for the present instead of the future...hehe, Athena~ *O* Athena, oh Athena, the Idol Goddess herself~ I envy her. She got to get smothered in the tight, uber~soft embrace of Mai Shiranui. Hmmmmppphhhh. :P (Pouts) Lucky Athena. Lucky girl. (Crosses arms, puffs out cheek)

And as for everyone else, well, some names flew right over my head, but most of the others, I know by face and name. LOL Fio~! Fio~! *O* Fio, ohhh Fio, she's perfection! *O* She's SO adorbz and luv and wears her glasses with pride~

Shoutout to Angel, hm? LOL Oh my goodness Angel, dayum, she's *SO* baaaaad~ *O*

The more, the merrier, indeed. Mmhmm~ Athena, indeed, should hope for the best~

I'll be sticking around~ ;3 Advancing!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
jojoDO chapter 54 . 9/22
Damn. I still don't give Athena a chance here, but she certainly is holding her own. A certain someone was displeased she fought nothing but jobbers to get here, but I'd say nearly drawing with the unofficial "protagonist" redeems her a lot.

Get it, girls! Just don't burn down Betty's place, please. That happening twice would REALLY mess her up.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/2
And the winner of this tournament gets to make a "movie" with Ed Powers!
jojoDO chapter 53 . 8/31
Poor Bae... hate seeing her like this. And surely she's gonna be too hurt to make the finals. I think this is where her run ends.

Oh snap. You really went with Face/Face and Heel/Heel. Ahhhh crap. That means we gonna have a guaranteed one of each in the semis.

I'm gonna go ahead and make my prediction here. Shiki, Leona, Aoi, Shermie. I think Aoi and Shiki have uber plot armor, because they're the two that are here trying to find themselves. It's a tough call between Shiki and Shermie, because Shermie is definitely playing the long game here with her hidden sex agenda... but it's gonna be one of them for sure. I think Aoi is a guaranteed spot in the final two, and it's gonna be between Shiki and Shermie who makes the other spot.

Athena is a squash match (but she had a good run) and the Vice/Shermie bout is gonna be gloriously brutal. But you have my call.
RobertCop3 chapter 53 . 8/30
Yes! I'm glad that to see that someone within the story is questioning how Betts is running things. At this point, the name of Elisabeth's tournament is purely ironic. But you know I still love it. ( ;

I understand Aoi had places to be, but it was probably not smart to leave Leona alone. If that girl falls asleep, she's fucked. And it was great getting more exploration of her character when we've been without for a while.

Damn it, Athena, you are not Mother Theresa. You can't help EVERYONE. It's great that you want to, but some things are beyond your understanding.

And... Oh, my God! You magnificent bastard! You did the one thing I didn't think you would. The two final fights of Round 3 pit light against light, and dark against dark! Oh, these are gonna be epic. I have a very strong feeling Athena is going down, but I also have a very strong feeling her friendship with Aoi will survive whatever happens in this match. Athena is DEFINITELY not the sort of girl who holds grudges.

Can't wait for more...
hyperomegasonic26 chapter 53 . 8/26
I really didn't think that Leona's fight against the dangerous Lien was so terrible that it left the Ikari Warrior so wounded as well. Lucky for her that Aoi Kusanagi helped her before she left for her next fight, which ended up being against Athena (something already planned by Elisabeth because she certainly knows from Chizuru that Aoi made a blood contract with Shermie in the past in 1997 and now carries the same curse as Iori Yagami).

And with things going on the rebel Kusanagi now and even more with the presence of three Hakkesshus in the tournament, Athena is going to have to fight like never before, since I suspect she will have her first hand experience of what it is like face someone who totally loses control when he goes insane with the darkness and despair and becomes a machine of destruction without any control, something that Kyo, Ralf, Clark and Shingo have faced first hand before ... seems that this will be the first time that we will see the rebellious Aoi Kusanagi when she feels her cursed blood take control of her sanity and causes her to cause a real carnage by being under the effects of the terrible Riot of Blood of Orochi.
Guest chapter 52 . 8/12
That was not a fight. It was a carnage
Good fanfic.
I like the action.

Also, poor Lien.
Her beautiful face was ruined
I hope she can restore her beauty.
She is my waifu.
I hope she recovers.

Good work.

RobertCop3 chapter 52 . 8/14
Damn, dude. I'm starting to wonder if we'll see every combatant go topless by the end of this round.

Not sure if this was as intense as the last fight, but still very satisfying. Not gonna lie, I was worried for Shiki for the longest time, but the girl came through and avenged my bae. I just love her attitude, like ice water. That closing line... damn!

I also liked that brief interlude where we got glimpses of the other girls around the mansion. At this point, the recurring cast seems to be set in place, and I totally approve of the line-up. Though I feel like Elisabeth's announcement had more to do with warning people to just stay out of the way and let the chase carry through to its conclusion. And poor Mignon just can't get a break. Girl's gonna need therapy by the time you're done writing this...

And damn... I thought you said in Discord that Lien's injuries weren't too serious, but... girl's got permanent scarring on her face. I mean, I'm glad to see her get what's coming to her and all (since she's been going out of her way since Day One to be a total bitch to my OG Queens, for no reason it seems), but maybe deformity is a little TOO harsh. Guess Mai should consider herself lucky that she got the "sword" and not the "spark." ( ;

And wherever Shiki has taken Angel, I hope she gets to carry out her plan at least partway before Angel is rescued. Namely because I'd like to see Angel suffer a little more. ( ;

So if I had to guess on the remaining two fights, I'd say Athena is taking on one Hakkeshu, and Aoi is taking on another. My money is definitely on Aoi, though I don't have as much hope for Athena. But whatever happens, the fights will likely be awesome.
jojoDO chapter 52 . 8/13
Man... that... was... intense. Did you top yourself? Is this a new high in gruesome violence? Maybe not... but I think it does win the Blood Award. These chicks gave more than pints... more like QUARTS 0 _ 0

The action was incredibly intense here, and I found it hard to follow at times, but then at some moments... wow. Some of this was PRICELESS. Hands down my favorite moment of the story was when Shiki's sword landed in her top, and she tried to maintain a booby vice grip... and Shiki TEARS it free, exposing Angel's first class goodies to the viewers. Hehe. This is why I love this story: action and titties flying! xD

The one part that admittedly threw me off was when they announced a mansion-wide state of emergency, just because Angel ran off with Shiki's swords. What'd they think, Angel was gonna go slasher on everybody, start skewering them one at a time? Don't go off on your own, Angel may stab you in the shower? xD ah but it did give a lot of characters some nice screentime, so I approve.

Lastly, I am overjoyed my call was right! Shiki is gonna be here for a long time, maybe even the finals, and Angel finally got her comeuppance. And uh... maybe MORE. Okay... is Shiki taking her to some kind of raep dungeon or something? You know what? I'm looking the other way. Whatever happens to Angel, she had it coming. Karma's a bitch and I'm not a perfect human : P

Welcome back Ryu!
RobertCop3 chapter 51 . 7/17
Damn, it's good to have you back!

Even better when the chapter ending your hiatus begins with a scene involving my OG baes. And they have a good reason to celebrate. I'm surprised to see King being the rational one here, since she has so many more reasons to hate Lien than Mai (girl tried to break her kneecap for no reason, just to make her suffer, and then tried to have her best friend murdered). And given how Lien tried to piss on some of the Women's Team while they were down, it's only fitting that they reciprocate in kind. I really wouldn't take the moral high ground on this one, if I were them. We've seen that it's not that kind of tournament. ( ;

And so far, Shiki is not doing well. I figured she'd be putting those swords to better use, since I assume she knows all the non-lethal places to stab someone that will also inflict maximum pain. But so far Angel is piecing apart her attack. Honestly, I don't feel Shiki deserves any karma. What happened at the end of Round 2 was really Lien's fault. Shiki had just been misplaced from her own time, was extremely confused, and also hadn't been told the rules. Lien used all this to her advantage to try and get Shiki to murder someone for her.

Whereas Angel requested to fight Yuri in Round 2, after hearing about the awkward butt-play moment between her and Mai, which to me suggests her rape was pre-meditated. So if anyone deserves karma, it's Angel. But right now it's not looking too good.

Whatever happens, I trust there's a master plan. So we'll see...
jojoDO chapter 51 . 7/17

About Mai pissing on Lien... I dunno. There's a slim chance Lien might be into that xD maybe try something more safe, like salt or something xD

About this fight, Angel is putting up way more of a fight than I thought possible. She was very badly hurt in earlier rounds. I'm amazed to see her still holding up, but maybe that's a byproduct of her NESTS-enhanced body. In any case, I'm still rooting for Shiki to prevail here, because karma, and because I think Shiki has plot armor. It'd seem odd to eliminate her here, after arranging all this.

Go Shiki!
Ahuizotl Ocelotl chapter 51 . 7/17
First things first, is so good to see you back.

Wow, you aren't pulling any stops with this match, these ladies are playing for the keeps. I like that. Angel is my favorite KOF girl so I'm biased but I really like the way you write her, confident, snarky and powerful enough to back up her pride; the bits of Spanish she drops here and there (particularly the swearing) is also a fantastic touch and something I totally see Angel doing in canon. Curiously, her fighting skills are depicted very similarly to your take on the KOF: A New Beginning manga. That said, I hope the one who gets caught by Karma is Shiki, sure I'm biased and all but I'm a firm believer that trying to slice everyone into ribbons ranks higher in the evil scale. But even if I'm wrong, I'm sure you will do my girl Angel, justice.

I can't say much about Shiki since I was never very interested in her but I can appreciate the viciousness and detachment you write her. Keep up with the great work.
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