Reviews for Yugioh 5ds Heroes!
Gabriel Lacar chapter 6 . 6/8
This episode was very good, great job. For one of your next episodes in this series, could you have Kaminari go against a duelist who uses Photons/Galaxies?
Max chapter 6 . 4/27
Stormbreaker42 chapter 6 . 4/22
I’m a fan of several of your stories And I greatly enjoy each of them.
I was wondering if you were going to give Izuku shooting quasar dragon or the likes of junk archer or junk destroyer. Also when are you going to introduce the mask hero’s you keep hinting t in the opening
Rebellion Rose chapter 6 . 4/19
Good chapter
MyHero chapter 6 . 4/13
Ok to the person who spam this review by saying the author is pedophile needs to stop. Seriously, you only comment on the chapter so you could go on and call this guy a pedophile? And liking Eri is a sign of pedophilia? Are you stupid!? You can’t use her as an reason to be a pedophile! Eri is a sweet girl that everyone in the MHA fandom would want to protect after the s### Overhaul put her though! OF COURSE THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO LOVE HER! BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN THAT EVERYONE IS A PEDOPHILES! SO DO US READERS A FAVOR AND GET YOUR OWN LIFE YOU F##### PEACE OF HUMAN S###!
Blazing Fire Hawk chapter 5 . 4/13
Was this just a coincidence that you chose the yang zing for Izuku which has 9 main deck monsters and he is the ninth user of One for All lol just had to ask
GracefulArt chapter 6 . 4/13
Great chapter, I love the duel between Mina and Kirichima. And interesting duel deck choice for them. An Alien Deck theme for our Alien Queen Pinkie and a Dinowrestler Deck theme for our Red Riot. I never knew there is a Dinowrestler Deck in the game! Can't wait to see other MHA Characters and see what kind of deck they have.

Question: Is Bakugou ever joining the story other than being part of the story intro? And if Red Eyes and Blue Eyes are part of his deck, then what is Bakugou's full deck like?
TitchTitan chapter 6 . 4/13
A continuation to what I've said before, if Todoroki is a signer in this, it could be an idea to adapt frost and flame dragon into a synchro monster with a fire tuner and water non tuner(s). Could potentially mix ice barriers with flamvell or something fire themed. It just feels like a nice plot point to have using frost and flame dragon be his moment of finally using his full power.
Messiah of authors chapter 6 . 4/13
I really love how you’re mixing other Archetypes from different yugioh anime into this story it is mix the flow that this is just more than Yu-Gi-Oh GX. Keep up the Great work!
Shadow Joestar chapter 6 . 4/13
KO awesome chapter, Eijio sure almost had Mina in that duel until she reveal her trap card and won the whole thing all just to get him help with his math homework though it’s to see them being very close to each other. I hope to see Akiza in the story and in Izuku’s harem.
Darth Stigma chapter 6 . 4/13
the "o" is missing from hello when mina summons alien overlord.

Just pointing it out.
Guest chapter 5 . 2/27
Since the annoucement for master rule 5, had you ever thought of rewriting the story just so that characters could use their decks and also use link monsters to boost their strategies? I love your story but i don't think you would do that just to include link monsters.
Guest chapter 5 . 2/14
I say the Superheavy Samuri deck fits Kirishima really well.
Lawoi chapter 5 . 2/11
Boi I'm disappointed you didn't use ChaoFeng since he is the boss monster of the YangZing
Lawoi chapter 2 . 2/8
So you are a Yang Zing Boi huh? Or cosmic Dragon in some countries
Welcom to the Wyrm club Dragneel the III
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