Reviews for Kuroko no basket - Potter Edition
The White Leopard chapter 38 . 7/13
This...was a very satisfying story. I love me a happy ending. I enjoyed watching Akashi grow as a person, and Adie and Akashi's relationship blossom. I thought you portrayed everyone well. Thank you for sharing this with us. It was a fun read. :)
ChiDead chapter 38 . 4/7
That was truly beautiful. Thank you. Subarashii
Fullmetal11791 chapter 10 . 12/31/2019
So Igave it ten chapters. It's actually pretty well written considering you said English wasnt your first language. Couple of weird word choices each chapter, but it's definitely readable. I do think its an interesting premise, and as a fan of both series, im glad someone gave this a shot.

My problem is simply that i'm finding it boring. It's been ten chapters and not much has changed from adding Adie/Harry to the Kuroko storyline. She shows up, people are astounded and skeptical that a girl is playing on a boys basketball team, she shows them she has skills, and her kid acts cute and everyone loves him. Rinse and repeat, it's kind of formulaic. It's not bad, but it's not what i'm looking for and in my opinion it's bland.

When i read a Harry Potter crossover, i want the HP character to have a big impact on the plot that they're being inserted into. And since it's Harry Potter, part of that impact *has* to be a magical impact. Even if the character wants nothing to do with magic, in this case due to burnout from surviving the war, they have to be dragged into using it in some sort of conflict by the plot. Otherwise what's the point? Especially here; at this point in the story, you could have just have made Adie an OC from Teppei's past and not made it a crossover.

Now i get it, she's hurt and exhausted from the war, she has a kid to raise, and she just wants some normalcy. And that's a perfectly fine premise for a story. But the way your writing her just doesnt *feel* like a female version of Harry Potter to me.

Anyway, thanks for writing and good luck with your story!
Fullmetal11791 chapter 2 . 12/30/2019
Shoot sorry, Adie, not Hari.
Fullmetal11791 chapter 1 . 12/30/2019
Interesting premise, but isn't it a little odd for Hari to be going back to highschool as a nineteen year old? Like, if you're feeling claustrophobic because of all the attention you're getting, going back to highschool at 19 isn't the best way to avoid drawing attention, doubly so if you've got a kid.

Idk, im going to keep reading a bit to see how this plays out but it just feels a little odd.
long.star14 chapter 38 . 9/10/2019
I love this story it's really good
Lilaschupa gmail chapter 38 . 8/30/2019
C'était genial à lire et le cross-over très fluide merci
BubbleBellarina chapter 1 . 6/19/2019
can you write a fic for The Last Game too? it'll be awesome!
emlyn.sandrea chapter 38 . 4/5/2019
Well I started in his reading but I do not know I do not feel that Adie has his place to seirin I too feel that they are more like a hair in a soup that have introduced there strength in the story (first of all just the fact that she prefers basketball quidditch exceeds me) and the fact that almost every time when she says that Teddy is son he is obliged to justify himself by adding by behind but he is adopted (yes ok he is adopt but they are not obliged to know this fact from the first meeting) and the couple Akashi / Adie I find it wrong I do not know I do not feel alchemy between the two and the fact that she reveals her true nature as well as Ginny with others who a little too quickly ... To tell the truth, her reading leaves me an unpleasant after taste ...

Yes I know it was one of your first crossover now you're perfecting but it would be the top kind of guy if you do the couple Akashi / femHarry.
Guest chapter 38 . 3/14/2019
brnkofeternity06 chapter 38 . 2/25/2019
I put off reading this last chapter for so long it seems ridiculous now. I just didn’t want it to end though :(

This has been such an amazing story, beginning to end. I loved it all! The pairing, each chapter, the progress, the relationships, and Teddy! It was all fantastic and I’m so happy I chose to click on “Finding your way home” because it led me to your stories, like this one. Thank you so much for sharing your writing and amazing stories with us XD
Hyperfangirl-fan chapter 38 . 2/21/2019
Soooo cute and just perfect. You did an amazing job and please continue with the god work in your other stories because they are all great. And honestly there aren't enough HP/sports anime crossovers out there.
Reader chapter 38 . 1/21/2019
Kudos to a great fic. I already posted/clicked a kudos on AO3, but i wanted to show it here. I plan to put it on my favs list when i log in here again. I really enjoyed your epilogue. I'm interested in your other written works.
harmony1994 chapter 38 . 1/7/2019
Loved the story going to read the one shot next looking forward to reading more of your other story too.
lalaith1694 chapter 38 . 1/5/2019
After reading your other story I thought I would give this one a try. It was amazing! I loved Teddy! Akashi was wonderful with Teddy and Adie. It was a very interesting story and I loved it! Thank you so much for your work!
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