Reviews for Past and Future
Animekitty47 chapter 14 . 6/7/2019
Thank you for finishing this part of the series and including everyone (in this time period) that we've come to care about.
Animekitty47 chapter 13 . 6/7/2019
Though I just got around to reading this now, I see why you posted this before the D-day anniversary. Different war, of course, but the emotions don't change, and you do such a beautiful job describing them all...
Not A Ghost3 chapter 14 . 6/2/2019
AHHHH! This was just... I have no words! Such perfection! Gah! The photo at the end was my favorite but so many other moments too: The reminder that Erik led them through No Man's Land...the irony that is the hope that Freyja will never have to live through a war (which unfortunately, we know that isn't so :/ but I can dream that the second one didn't happen in this AU!) ...Antoine and Konstin...Raoul's pride and fondness when he's being asked about his daughter's hand in marriage- ah! And so many other things I could write down! So good, so good!
ghostwritten2 chapter 14 . 6/2/2019
Oh, I love this. So much. What a wonderful way to wrap things up. I love the description of the photo, and that Antoine and Konstin were holding hands, and the descriptions of everyone's families. Or rather, they are all one big family.

And that last paragraph, with Christine thinking of Erik, and how it all began with him.

So perfect. This feels like goodbye to this 'verse, and while that makes me sad, I am glad that your stories are there to be re-read.
ghostwritten2 chapter 13 . 6/2/2019
I love that both Antoine and Konstin want to be there for Marguerite. Konstin's memories overwhelming him brought a lump to my throat. This is so well done.
ghostwritten2 chapter 12 . 6/2/2019
Those last three paragraphs really got to me. As always, your use of language and attention to detail are perfect.
ghostwritten2 chapter 11 . 6/2/2019
Tender and heartbreaking. I have missed your boys.
tasteofthebitchpudding chapter 10 . 3/22/2019
This was absolutely gorgeous and so heartbreaking. I'm glad to hear this 'verse has been cathartic for you, because heavens knows I've had a good cry reading it. Brava!
Riene chapter 10 . 3/22/2019
Konstin talking to Erik and longing to know his father always makes me tear up. Good bits in here-the men who are dealing still with the aftermath of the Great War, the burials and casualty counts. The syringe, his determination to have the music absolutely perfect, his bringing little gifts to his father, his wondering if Erik would have liked him, the gradual loss of memories of the others in his life.

Always a delight to find another installment in this series. I think it's my favorite of all of your pieces.
ghostwritten2 chapter 10 . 3/22/2019
Oh, Konstin. Oh, Erik. Oh, my heart. This is a lovely rumination on Konstin's feelings about his absent parent. I love that he composed something for Erik. And the part about him bringing little treasures to Erik - exactly what a small boy would do.
Riene chapter 9 . 10/1/2018
Well, I'm in tears again.

This one is so very sweet and loving. A parent's protective watchful gaze and heart-felt worry comes through very well in this piece. Loved the update on each child, and the brief poignant memory of Erik. Having Raoul there at the end was perfect.
ghostwritten2 chapter 9 . 10/1/2018
This is beautiful. I'm glad that Christine hasn't losr the memory of Erik, and I'm glad that she has Raoul. Love her checking on the children.
ghostwritten2 chapter 8 . 9/26/2018
I love that they write to each other in code. This was sad and sweet and wonderful.
Riene chapter 8 . 9/26/2018
Gah, poor guys. Love the idea of the simple code. You'll have to write them a happy chapter at some point. : (
Riene chapter 7 . 9/25/2018
Jeez, LLHO, you did it to me again.

So sweet of Konstin to think of her and send her the letters. I can easily see the little shrine in the nurses' tent to their lost men. Her numb resignation and disbelief at the time passing feels so realistic. The ending here was perfect; Edouard wanting her to keep helping the other men.

I need to go read the "happy ending version" now. :(
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