Reviews for The Arc Method
Talilover chapter 1 . 8/19
Ehhhh, had a lot of cute moments but towards the end it got unnecessarily preachy and Weiss bashing. Think I would have enjoyed it more if you stuck to the original theme of Jaune falling for Ruby and Yang rather than faking any and all interest in Weiss to get the two jealous like a sociopath
wolfpackrwby88 chapter 1 . 10/9/2018
This a oneshot, or are you going to do another chapter or two to deal with the inevitable insanity that follows?
oghren chapter 1 . 10/3/2018
A great and interesting story, that I hope you will continue by adding small little chapters such Qrow and Tai wanting to kill Jaune and them meeting Jaune's family. So great job and I do hope you take in consideration what I suggested.
TheNiemand chapter 1 . 9/28/2018
I am that litle disapointed that Blake wasnt invloved into the harem but otherwhise good job on this one shot. I liked it.

Kuroshio chapter 1 . 9/24/2018
Well I'm hetero but only because I'm aroused by women. Something I've learned is guys can't choose their sexual preference, no matter how hard they try, thus why despite being hetero I've never judged someone for being gay or bisex.

I'm also a believer in polyamory, not because I think having multiple lovers is the point but because marriage is a blight created and altered by society to spread misery. But that's my views and it's not something I'm willing to debate, (don't get me wrong I've debated this with others and have damaged their outlook on life) but just to say be proud of being bisex, because screw what society feels is normal.

Also well done on the Harem, it still needs polish and you should focus on what being in a relationship like that is like and continue practicing, you're off to a good start.
CrazyLich79 chapter 1 . 9/23/2018
Great job.
Ultimate Kuuga chapter 1 . 9/22/2018
Ahh~ this is one of my favorite pairing. Finally, I got to see someone make this pairing for real. And Weiss when she got played like a damn fiddle is priceless. Great job!
Rakkis3059 chapter 1 . 9/20/2018
This was wonderful. I loved every but of it. Especially his reasons for going after Weiss. And the end result. I know its not really something you do. But I would love a lemon chalet of what happened after the bar scene.
95thegamer59 chapter 1 . 9/19/2018
When I started this story, I don't know what I was expecting to happen, but it certainly surpassed any expectations I may of had. I love the way you wrote it and the overall plot, especially since I normally don't read fics like this (Poly ship fics, as most are just, well smut, and I don't really go looking for them), so having it come as a surprise was fantastic. Hope you continue to write fics like this.
StallionWolf chapter 1 . 9/18/2018
Weiss got PLAYED! and I think Jaune got the way better deal.

A sleazy acting Weiss doesn't deserve such a guy
dicknouget chapter 1 . 9/18/2018
Not bad with the harem styled one-shot. Me personally I find it weird if it's just Ruby and Yang in the harem because of the whole them being half sisters. Even so loved the plot! I love the OOC Jaune at the end.
Kharneth666 chapter 1 . 9/18/2018
This is quite likely the best example of either bi or poly, let alone both. It seemed grounded in reality, and I enjoyed it immensely
Alvelvnor chapter 1 . 9/18/2018
Good job on the harem, also, you told me about your fencing instructor in a PM.

My sexuality has never been a big deal, I wasn't that popular anyway so opinions didn't really matter, but I feel for ya bro.
marcialhd chapter 1 . 9/18/2018
dude i loved this, the ending its just so cathartic :) also i wanted to say that while i'm hetero i do support the idea of polyamour myself, and yes sadly it is something most people (specially in places like the one i live) just don't understand or even want to try understand, still great story hope to see more from you ;)

(just one thing though i did not like the whole line about Jaune's sisters kicking him in the balls, that was a bit too much in my opinion also it feels a bit out of place and unnecessary all things considered)
miraculousshadow1997 chapter 1 . 9/18/2018
I agree with whoever that user was. All harem fics of jaune that I have seen always seem to have Pyrrha In Them either as a main girl or member. A knights heart was one of the few harem jaune that did not feature Pyrrha as a member. I have nothing against arkos as it will always be my favourite pairing but I noticed it getting overdone a lot either as a pairing or being jaune's partner (I did not like this part in some unique crossovers with interesting fresh ideas). I really enjoy all your works even if they seem dark at times.
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