Reviews for Friendship and Love
Guest chapter 38 . 7/27
I fudging love this fic. Please update it!
Guest chapter 38 . 7/24
This has got to be one of the best stories I have ever read. Please update it soon I need more ASAP!
Karatekid-Ninja chapter 38 . 7/17
Ahhh such a brilliant chapter! I finished it and tried to flick to the next chapter... I really enjoyed how you wrote this chapter, I love how Sirius experienced Lottie and Cassies life. I think you did a brilliant job writing this and delving into the past of what will be an important character, I especially like that you didn’t gloss over the trauma Lottie suffered. Brilliant job and I seriously can’t wait for more xx
kpop1392as chapter 38 . 7/14
Woah! I enjoyed reading this chapter and story. I like Lottie's and Cassie's journey.
XOXO chapter 38 . 7/14
Guest chapter 38 . 7/14
This story is fabulous. I came across it last night and I’ve just finished reading it. I absolutely love how close everyone is and how you haven’t written the whole story in the same style. I particularly love the two letter chapters because they made me giggle. I also love how you have made your OC’s support the existing story and characters. I loved this chapter with the pensive, it was great. Hope you post the next chapter soon. x
Im a mad Harry Potter Fan chapter 38 . 7/14
You have me bawling my eyes out right now. I loved reading this update. I can't wait for Sirius to meet Cassie and to watch his and Lottie’s relationship develop.

After everything,Sirius and Lottie have experienced they deserve a happy ending. Please don't kill either of them off, I love them.
Fremione Lover chapter 38 . 7/14
Fantastic update! I adore Sirius’ and Lottie’s relationship. I love how you had older Sirius explore her memories in the pensive. This was beautifully written, you had me laughing and crying throughout this chapter. Well done, you have a talent for writing emotional scenes. This story is such an original piece of work, I cannot wait to see how you continue it.
HummelEDAnderson chapter 37 . 7/12
I am in love with your story. Bravo on the beautiful concept.
Jamie chapter 37 . 7/12
Awesome story can't wait to see were it goes!
Guest chapter 37 . 7/11
I love the way you have written this story so far. Please update it soon.
AnniexLove chapter 37 . 7/10
I just found this story last night and I absolutely love it and have read all the chapters. I might have stayed up til 2 am lol! I love the bounds between all the characters and I love what you have done with Draco. I’m glad him and Narcissa are away from Lucius. Maybe Charlie and Dora could have a triad bond with Remus. When reading I did notice a few things in one of the chapter it said Harry Bday was the last day of August instead of July. Also In this chapter Draco said that Muggleborn don’t have blood in their veins I think you meant to say mud. But mistakes can be made I understand. I can’t wait to find out more about Sirius daughter I’m guessing Lottie her mother. She probably been living in France and knows Great Aunt Cassiopeia who she calls Grandma. Please write more soon, thank you for this incredible story, sorry for the long rambling
Im a mad Harry Potter Fan chapter 37 . 7/9
Great chapter! I found Cassiopeia’s sorting hilarious. I can’t wait Padfoot to find out about her. Update soon.
XOXO chapter 37 . 7/9
Fremione Lover chapter 37 . 7/9
Fantastic chapter, I am curious to learn more about Lottie and Cassiopeia. How will Sirius react to learning he has a daughter? Why did Lottie leave when Sirius saw her on the platform? I can’t wait for the next chapter.
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