Reviews for Prelude
AkakaR chapter 1 . 11/15/2018
This is so awesome! That last sentence really made me feel something. I can't even explain what. Chills? Longing for more? Happiness? Maybe a mix of all of those. And the moment they first smiled at each other was just absolutely perfect and heartwarming. The beginning of a beautiful relationship... and they didn't even know it.

Thanks for writing this, Turkeys! I love it!
Luna del Desierto chapter 1 . 10/23/2018
Riux chapter 1 . 9/23/2018
I can not stop thinking that a joke war would be the most beautiful and fun thing these two could do. And definitely would also be a stimulator to the paranoia of Bonnie XD Imagine a wild vampire enters your house without permission and blow up your stuff just because it seems fun.

I really like the idea that you explain how they met. Obviously there had to be scalpels and pets in danger in between. Great job!

Riux, Chaitooo
creater1496 chapter 1 . 9/21/2018
Ugh this was amazing ️️ Thank you!
MarCor3 chapter 1 . 9/21/2018
Wow girl, another sweet diddy of a story here - thanks!
Oh yea, that finale left a lot of more opened possibilities for sure...
So as I'm reading about our favorite canon couple, the Bubblines intro to themselves started out in a whole misunderstanding!
Marceline is right though, Bonnibel is really judgemental and even now, over many centuries later and she still haven't changed, ugh...
I too, must confess that this read was somewhat similar to 'The Marcy's Super Secret Scrapbook'! In it, explains so much about Marceline's loss, pain, suffering, angst, love, and her humanity! Truly her life has changed greatly and Bonnibel will never be able to comprehend it!
Bonnie on the other hand of her lonely, somewhat isolated childhood, were quite sad for her and her brother. She really did had to grow up and except her responsibilities in caring for herself and her sibling, Neddy - gosh what a burden for a small, young child to take on so soon in life...
And so, of course with these two ladies first meeting of one another, they truly just didn't know that they were meant for each other - opposite does attract, for realz...
Btw, I'll be looking you up on Tumblr -
Plesiosaur chapter 1 . 9/21/2018
AHH I love it! Was this the betrayal you mentioned in the main story? I could see how trashing Bonnie's lab would make her mad mad, it feels very organic. As always I love your one shots (unless there's a new chapter to come?) and I can't wait for more of the main story xxx
SunsetsandSmokebombs chapter 1 . 9/20/2018
Kinda got chills from the ending there, that was dope!
Sev Kai Ten chapter 1 . 9/20/2018
Eey a new story!