Reviews for Uprising
zapking5 chapter 17 . 7/15
I love this story! Great work on the distinct worldbuilding and personalities!
Xager-the-Chaos-King chapter 17 . 7/4
...Why am I terrified suddenly that Wraith may end up sacrificing himself to save Ash using Explosion? Please don't do that, I love Wraith and his valiant heroism. As for the Blue-White, that's gotta be Mewtwo, and now, two questions. One, is Viper Petrov from the games? And two, did you plan for Sabrina, Gladion and Surge to kinda become Ash's trainer family? With Surge as his Trainer uncle, Gladion as his cousin that married into the family, and Sabrina as that exasperated aunt that is trying to keep her boys under control? Or did that just happen as a happy accident? And as an addendum to this question, is Koga going to become Trainer Sensei?
Guest chapter 17 . 7/2
This story is up there with the greats for sire. I'd bet gold this would be on the top 5 most favorited stories if the uploads were more consistent. The current upload schedule makes it easy to forget about this absolute gem. However this is not a plea for UPDATE PLZ!1!1 just something that is hopefully encpuraging, as I truly want to see this story in its deserved place.
Jekke604 chapter 7 . 6/28
I really like how you follow cannon events but at the same time don't feel the need to drag Ash into all of them.

I like this story, keep up the good work.

Grts Jekke604
blasterdog chapter 17 . 6/23
The more you write the more you make me want to read. The story really draws you in man. Great chapter
Guest chapter 17 . 6/23
Amazing work. Can't wait to see Garys reaction to Eevee if he stays with Ash.

Update soon please
Guest chapter 10 . 6/22
Guest chapter 9 . 6/22
I know you probably didn't mean to insinuate this but I've got to ask- was daycare man Will? Both espeon.
Guest chapter 16 . 6/21
Excellent chapter.
Guest chapter 15 . 6/21
Pretty good chapter I enjoyed it.
AngelFaux chapter 17 . 6/16
Well it looks like another piece of the mystery is revealed.
And Koga's Arbok is pretty cool. Shame Ash doesn't have one anymore.

Cute and vicious it may be Eevee is way too cliche a pokemon for my tastes. Still congrats to Tide for an evolution and passing the test.
Guest chapter 17 . 6/15
Hmmm maybe ash will finally get the electric Pokemon. Cannot wait till my boi Rhydon gets that protector
Guest chapter 6 . 6/14
Absolutely loved chapter 6 and ash and brock’s sibling type relationship. Lowkey was hoping for either Brock to join or ash to kick damiens fucking ass lmao
Guest chapter 5 . 6/14
Too many good things I can say about this story. First is simply the interaction between people and Pokemon is as natural As I’ve ever seen. No awkwardness or force to them. The humor is impeccable without being too much. The way you have Ash interact with his Pokemon is amazing. And LT Surge is a national treasure that should be protected at all cost. Good day to you sir. Definitely in my top 3 Pokemon fan fictions.
Guest chapter 17 . 6/14
Love it, thank you so much for updating this is one of the few pokemon fanfiction I can say I think is good with no asterisk behind the statement
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