Reviews for The Chains Around His Heart
Guest chapter 1 . 7/21
Sasgay NEVER acknowledged suckura. And never said sorry for everything. That's in sakutards heads! Like you! He only ever acknowledged Naruto. He was the one that kept trying and breaking the chains!
KagamiPINKAgreste chapter 1 . 9/29/2018
The title is very true. I will be blunt,,,, I STRONGLY DISLIKE SASUKE AND LOATHE SASUSAKU! I WILL FOREVER LOVE NARUSAKU WITH ALL MY SOUL! But your short drabble called out to me. It does fit Sasuke's whole stupidity on everything. Sakura in all fangirl sad chasing did weaken the dark chains, but it took his best friend that lovable idiot to make him bleed see sense in the light his lost Will of Fire to finally break them completely.