Reviews for Second chances
russia2774 chapter 17 . 7/29
so sweet please more updates
debpreato chapter 17 . 7/24
Healing is painful but progressive
debpreato chapter 16 . 7/24
Alot was settled leading to a happier ending.
debpreato chapter 15 . 7/24
Great expression of heartbreaking subject
debpreato chapter 14 . 7/24
This is great a ll the small steps they are achieving
effronferran chapter 17 . 7/22
Very beautiful, shows that therapy is really good, if people put their trust and faith. Thanks for showing such an emotional journey.
evacassie18 chapter 17 . 7/22
Hi, I'm one of your silent reader and even though I don't give a feedback too often I love your work so much. I love Rose and Dimitri and I love a great story about them and you made a hell of good work with them. Love this story and cannot wait for the sequel if you make one
stardreamer2608 chapter 16 . 7/21
It was good thtat they had resolved the issue of shared family secrets. Loved the chapter please continue to update can't wait for more.
stardreamer2608 chapter 15 . 7/21
He should have been more apologetic to how she felt with the situation with Tasha. You just reconnected and all of a sudden he has divulged more with Tasha then with Rose. Loved the chapter please continue to update cant wait for more
russia2774 chapter 14 . 7/15
absolutely loving it please more updates
peggy chapter 14 . 7/11
will she get back ok or will she be jumped? will they get their happy ever after? will they have more babies?
PosionedAngels chapter 14 . 7/11
there is something wrong with the new update.
Guest chapter 13 . 4/25
Really like your story and just read all chapters at once, can't wait to see where story is going.
peggy chapter 13 . 4/25
such a cute chapter it looks like they are on thr right path back to each other. will tasha or someone else get in their way. hope not. what will happen when they show up back home? how will everyone react? can't wait to read the next chapter. stay safe.
AshBelikov chapter 13 . 4/25
This was a sweet chapter. They are slowly healing and growing together.
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