Reviews for Home Sweet Home: Snapshots and Memories
anna-varis chapter 9 . 9/20
Nooo, please continue with this story. What's gonna happen to Murdock? What will the storm do?
Guest chapter 1 . 8/4/2019
Come back...please don't leave us hanging. I want to know how Murdock gets home. Please, please, please update!
kathyk24 chapter 8 . 5/28/2019
Carrick's is a dead man walking once Hannibal finds him. I hope Murdock doesn't blame himself when the others find him Carrick tricked him.
mmmdixie chapter 8 . 5/28/2019
Oooo... Hannibal is not very happy. Think he'll let B.A. take care of Carrick?
kathyk24 chapter 7 . 5/22/2019
Thanks for the update I hope the team finds Murdock soon. Carrack had better hope Hannibal doesn't find him.
LAGC chapter 6 . 2/12/2019
Oh my can’t wait to see how this turns out. The Team is going to be beyond furious.
kathyk24 chapter 6 . 2/11/2019
The guys will be furious when Murdock tells them about his field trip. Murdock should tell them when things aren't going well it usually doesn't end well.
RobinRedoe chapter 6 . 2/11/2019
Oh my, this was an exciting update! I thought the idea as Billy being his eyes so cool. I love it when impossible becomes possible. But don’t keep us hanging. This is a mean cliffhanger!
LAGC chapter 5 . 2/9/2019
Well Hannibal tell Face that he had turned luck into an art form in at least one episode
Your story goes right into proving Hannibal’spoint.
This was a fun chapter. I’m really enjoying the whole tale.
mmmdixie chapter 5 . 2/9/2019
Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful
Bella119 chapter 5 . 2/9/2019
Great show not tell considering you were recapping how they found their home. Gave me a goofy smile reading it.
RobinRedoe chapter 5 . 2/8/2019
Of course the plan comes together! :D
Even if Face was too drunk to know what he was buying, haha.
Great new update that got me laugh about the savages/canibals-jokes. Hope you feel better!

Have a great weekend!
RobinRedoe chapter 4 . 2/8/2019
“There is a basement?”
Ha! Laughed out loud.

Interesting to know more about the island.
Murdock’s response to becoming blind sounds sad but sort of logical as it suddenly makes his world so small. But leave it to the guys to find a way to drag him out of that darkness. I’m really enjoying your story telling.
RobinRedoe chapter 3 . 2/8/2019
What a moving chapter with such a devastating result. It’s hard to deal with ‘what if’s’ in general, but this is a little heart breaking. Well-written, and engaging once more. You got me hooked from the start. :)
RobinRedoe chapter 2 . 2/8/2019
The wallet bit him. Of course it did! Had a chuckle at that.
Great new chapter. I’m enjoying this.
Carrick will have to be careful from now on.
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