Reviews for Iceberg
JustCecile chapter 40 . 6/14
That was such a amazing story, you really succeed to describe all the emotions and make us feel everything!
Thank you for sharing your talent
epf chapter 40 . 5/8
Great story but could've spent longer with Clarke and Lexa actually together. Like between chapter 39 and 40 could have been another 5 chapters.
xxDark Angel Babyxx chapter 40 . 5/7
Please tell me there's more!
Jet MacLeod chapter 1 . 4/9
Don't know why I just found this, but this is a master class
in dealing with PTSD and emotions.
Zaida.gtz chapter 39 . 4/2
Me encanta este fic! :D
Redwrex chapter 39 . 4/2
thank you
swtid77 chapter 38 . 4/1
Clarke is so sweet. I think Lexa should show Clarke soon, how she is trying also.
swtid77 chapter 37 . 3/31
Finally going to Polis I hope.
swtid77 chapter 36 . 3/31
It is awful that Alexandria had no choice in being able to raise Lexa she wanted, all because she is night blood.
swtid77 chapter 35 . 3/31
No Clarke, it will get better. Just get rid of Queen Nia.
swtid77 chapter 34 . 3/31
I think it will be good for Abby to be in Polis with Clarke, so they can build their relationship
swtid77 chapter 33 . 3/31
Go Lexa. It is time to heal and move forward
swtid77 chapter 32 . 3/31
Yes! Finally show some emotions Lexa
swtid77 chapter 31 . 3/31
Oh boy, another bump on the road to them being together. Hurry up and get something resolved lol. I love how you write and describe each chapter and emotion. I can easily feel and understand where the character is coming from or feeling.
swtid77 chapter 30 . 3/31
Hopefully Echo can be counted on as an ally now.
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