Reviews for The Ghost's Hangover
Prisma19 chapter 1 . 4/29
I love how Jason is now realizing he is part of the family again. This is my favorite part “ he breathed in lavender and struggled with both love for the man whose fabric softener bore the scent, and hatred for the stupid curtain rule, “ It was a very clever on how you came up with this.
Jason acting like child hiding under the bed really adds to the story because it shows how even though he is an anti-hero who likes to act tough, deep down he is still a troubled child who wants to be apart of the family again.
AnonymousMisfit chapter 1 . 9/28/2018
This made me so flippin' happy, because Nobody in the FAMILY is exempt from the rule!
Gosh you're such a genius writer and I love and look forward to anything and everything you write ;-;
Awesome job!
Have a great week, and, again, *this was awesome and I loved it!*