Reviews for Child In The Alley
Guest chapter 6 . 7/4
tails was to close to a pirot at time amy creeped me out chuck was a good hegehog creem seems like a baby vinilla was kind tails parn'ts died almost made me cry tails be a pirate YARRGGGGGGGGG!
benignmilitancy chapter 1 . 3/16
I started reading this a few days ago, but regret to say i had to stop after chapter 2 to attend to real life matters; however, the cuteness stayed in my mind even as I had to stop to do other things. :D Your portrayal of Sonic's brotherly devotion to Tails is absolutely heartwarming, as is Amy's peppy personality! I look forward to reading more!
wingwolfly chapter 6 . 1/8
This was so cute! It was so fun to read!
Alex Field chapter 1 . 9/17/2019
Pretty good! Though make sure to check for minor spelling errors. (Eg: Misspelled Cover as Cober)
DragonTamer8 chapter 6 . 4/3/2019
This chapter made me cry. having an already stuffy nose didn't help much. also, geez! isn't miles 5 years old? how did he learn so much!? also, this is the best fanfic i am reading currently. period. its SO amazing!
TU4QU0I53T4IAN6L3 chapter 6 . 4/3/2019
This is a good theory of how Sonic and Tails met. It's heartbreaking to see Tails lose his family. I wish you the best for your next story! Keep on rocking!
Piggon chapter 6 . 3/11/2019
Awww man, its over? I really enjoyed reading this story, I hope you had as much fun writing it as I did reading it. Poor Tails, at least he has a new family. And hey, one of them can make great pancakes which is a bonus.
I hope you write some more stories soon, you make everyone so in character and that just makes your chapters that little bit more exiting to read.
SeedrianSparkles chapter 6 . 3/4/2019
Ahh I love this story so much; this was a great conclusion! I can’t wait to see if you have more in store for us in terms of storiesIf you don’t, that’s perfectly okay as well; we’ll keep enjoying this one! :)
SharpDragonKlaw chapter 6 . 3/1/2019
Thank you for this wonderful story! I am interested to see the fate of Miles' Uncle Merlin and the ending was so sweet I will forever be a fan of Sonic and Tails' brotherhood.
Alexandria Prime chapter 6 . 2/28/2019
Awwww. Poor Miles. but I'm so happy with this story! This was really great! I hope you have Merlin showing up soon!
Kurokodairu - SNSF chapter 6 . 2/28/2019
Wow! That was a great wrap up! This was pretty emotional and happy at the same time! I'll see you on your next story! :D
TheGameNguyener chapter 6 . 2/27/2019
Frankly, I didn't expect this to be the last chapter, but I think it's a proper way to end it off. (I did get my tissues, thanks for mentioning that.)

Tails was such an innocent being that I didn't think he had known the fate of his parents and uncle. That flashback had me in disbelief. It was both descriptive and dark, so you hit the nail on that. What you also established was an endearing interaction between Sonic and Tails. The former really acted like an older brother, empathizing over the fox's horrific past. And when he asked him if he would like to be a part of the family, that's when I lost it. I was in happy tears to know that this was only the start of a blossoming friendship and brotherhood.

Despite the small errors you had earlier, you managed to improve as you posted more chapters. I enjoyed the dialogue and the narration, and the emotions were very touching to me. You did a great job with this short story! Good luck with any future ideas and fanfics you have in mind!

SharpDragonKlaw chapter 5 . 2/11/2019
First off let me say I hope you and your family are feeling better after getting colds during Christmas and I am glad to hear your family member is okay.

As for the chapter, good job Sonic on defending Tails and beating up his bullies, they deserved it. I am heartbroken to hear about Tails' family's deaths and to see poor Sonic break down like that after hearing this news and his proclamation to make Tails his little brother is proof of just how close they have become.
SeedrianSparkles chapter 5 . 2/11/2019
I’m so sorry about the car wreck. I’m so glad they’re okay, God bless. Also, I’m sorry about your family getting sick over and over. My whole family had the flu during Christmas so I understand XD if you need to take some time off, that’s perfectly understandable! Your health is always the most important thing. Anyways, I absolutely love this story so far! I love how heartfelt yet dark everything is. I love the way you portray the relationships between the characters, such as Sonic and Amy, Sonic and Uncle Chuck, etc, as it feels very genuine. I’ve read your Christmas story and since fallen in love with your work; I can’t wait to see what you have in store in the future! :)
Infinite's Ruby chapter 5 . 2/10/2019
First of all, it's great to have you back. There are no worries for the long delay. Your personal life and health are more important than updating.

My goodness, I wanted to punch those bullies for picking on Tails. My heart is broken into tiny little pieces along with tears in the corners of my eyes, with the revelation that both of Tails' parents are dead.

Seeing Sonic breaking down in tears with his Uncle comforting him along with Sonic adopting Tails as his brother it's left me with a small smile on my face.

I hope the person you were close to genuinely will be okay. My thoughts will be with you and your family during this time. I'll be eagerly awaiting your next chapter. Keep up the excellent work!
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