Reviews for Is It Wrong For A Godslayer To Have A Harem Of Goddesses?
R-king 93 chapter 23 . 7/23
Great story
HarmonyDST05 chapter 23 . 7/23
Since I know this isn't gonna be a Harem because you said so, AND I SUPPORT IT. The only issue I now have is the title...

Is it wrong for a godslayer to have a harem of Goddesses?

or will still be a harem? perhaps. You do you and I'll completely support it.
lazyguy90 chapter 23 . 7/23
Honestly when the names Sigurd and Brynnhilda showed up, I was like...

Oh boy this can only end in tragedy.

And it's clear that something deeply tragic and screwy happened there. Can't wait to see more of Freya's motivations.
offshorephillip chapter 23 . 7/23
Loved the new chapter. Can't wait for more.
Anom1 chapter 23 . 7/23
So couple of things, the first of which is great job on this story. I am glad to see it back to updating regularly.

Now then... When is Kusanagi going to behave his age and explain what he is to Loki in full? Yes he is a god slayer but from a world where gods were immature children who killed thousands by showing up before going on rampages that demolish entire cities. We are talking millions of innocents dead if not stopped by a Campione. So yes he kills gods for power but context is important here. In the same note he is hundreds of years old and had a harem so he should know honesty is important in relationships. Thus the first question.

Second I do love that you are working to make deep characters and connections instead of just throwing a large relationship together to match the title. That said I don't think you are looking from all the angles. In this case the relationship is one of comfort between immortals who are somewhat broken. Having watched those they love die. Immortality is hard so in this case it may not be a matter of "I love her too and deal with it" but a group who can understand each other. Thus a harem, as there is one guy and multiple women, but more a support group family in nature. Just a thought. If not then maybe think about changing the title just to be more accurate.

Finally you mentioned a bad ass Kusanagi, I hope the change won't remove that from your plans. Honestly the few moments where he truly acts have been great but he has been somewhat mopey and passive on the whole. I was okay with that to start as he was adapting and getting over his losses but as this progresses I would like for him to start acting like a Campione. For all that he is a nice guy even Erica described him as a barbarian by nature. The kind of man who would have been a warlord in any other place or time. In the end no matter how nice they are Campiones became God killers by fighting so hard they overcame impossibility and upended a fundamental of existence. They are warriors by nature and not passive. After all they are devil kings for a reason. So I would love to see more of that especially as no adventurer could threaten him. So him just being a badass would be awesome I hope the changes has not caused that idea to fall by the wayside.
Dr. Valentine chapter 23 . 7/23
Hey dude, do what makes you happy. You're not getting paid for this, and don't have a responsibility to write this. Ultimately we're just fortunate we can enjoy it. Keep up the good work, looking forward to more.
GM0127 chapter 23 . 7/23
The last line really wrapped the chapter up neatly. Free food is free food indeed.
Bukkake chapter 23 . 7/23
Hello, I'm one of the lurkers here, and I thank you for doing your best to finish this story. I really like it and seeing your latest AN made speak up.
V01dSw0rd chapter 23 . 7/23
If you like Harry Potter, go read Saphroneth’s ‘Harry is a Dragon, and that’s OK’.

I’m betting people find out about Godou’s true capabilities due to Ishtar...
garoorar chapter 23 . 7/23
I don't dislike Freya at all, I have a soft spot for Yanderes of any type.
Daoist Atlas chapter 23 . 7/23
thanks for the chapter i love this fanfic i always look forward to the updates
FinzDragzer chapter 23 . 7/23
Well... i never disliked freya at all from canon version. but i come for godou story XD... well at least other chara backstory already finished (though it will be better make Spin-off book)

Also Is imposible to change book title at fanfic ? into something likeIs it Wrong for Godslayer to have normal life in Dungeon ?] something like that LOL
Trevor Weltikol chapter 23 . 7/23
I like the story its one of the few things I look forward to.
redDaeth chapter 23 . 7/23
Read this...Hell I love your characterization and the story feels right with just Loki...It feels more real, more of a honest you for having written it.
MrOutsider chapter 23 . 7/23
Hey I love the story. I saw you were talking about being a shity person. Your not. You are selfish, but since when is that a bad thing? Is it wrong to want to be happy? I read this fic not just because of the source material but because of your writing. I look forward to the next update.
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