Reviews for The end of reality
CupcakeW chapter 5 . 1/3
Sorry. This out if sense. How could be this scene with C parents when the acted so bad with him. In some me moment the story lost the path. Here is just unreal lovers or pervert sexual couples why they judged CG before?
CupcakeW chapter 4 . 1/3
En serio. Creo que se fue un poco con lo del sexo en parejas aquí. Parece una finca de libertinaje que una reunión familiar. No creo que por más sexuales que sean estarán desnudos y sin ropa entre hijos y abuelos, empleados, etc. Un poco por encima de lo aceptable. Y otra cosa CG tenía una practica sexual diferente pero no del todo desconocido y mucho menos abusiva. BDSM para el era un arreglo en respeto y consenso. No la forma depravada de Elena, así que si esas mujeres lo atacaron pudieron ser ex amantes celosas y rencorosas. Y podían demostrar que la depravada era Elena.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/30/2019
Don't be sorry. The only really great alternative would be lots more love and adventures... Thanks for sharing! Denie'
joan.goldman.9 chapter 6 . 11/7/2018
Wow Kate and Ana are pregnant. Ray is getting married again. Carrick and Grace adopted another young girl. That's one hell of a celebration they have going on.
joan.goldman.9 chapter 5 . 11/7/2018
Ray found love and that love has a daughter. They were both abused but Ray saved them both.

Mia and Jose along with Grace and Carrick all found a place for themselves and enjoyed each other.
joan.goldman.9 chapter 4 . 11/7/2018
Thank goodness there wasn't a bomb in the truck. The two teenagers that ran off were high as a kite on pot and when they hit the dock they panicked and took off running.

I'm so glad that Christian has reconciled with his parents and his grandparents are thrilled too.

There apple orchard is like the garden of Eden. HA
joan.goldman.9 chapter 3 . 11/6/2018
Now everyone has a soulmate. LOL that Paul's girl was Gwen's niece and boy did he get an ass chewing for leaving heron the car downstairs. Then Luke finds his while interview candidates for GEH employment and she's dress in Goth. She only dressed that way because her last boss at NASA raped her and no one believed her. Assholes!

Is there really a bomb?
joan.goldman.9 chapter 2 . 11/6/2018
Wow Ray had a wife and child before he married Carla and they both died. How horrible. Then he loses Ana for several months only to get her back after she's been beaten by Carla's third husband. Ray is seeing that Ana and Christian are in love and there is nothing that will stand in their way of their HEA.

The Grey's have been torn apart since Christian was outed and Elliott and Mia both want to see them all get back together. Guess Elliott and Mia had the same idea to go to Ana's graduation to find Christian. LOL It worked though. :)

Mia and Jose? Did see that coming.
joan.goldman.9 chapter 1 . 11/6/2018
Boy, they both really have had a hard time. How gave Ana the whip marks on her chest? Luke is Ana's CPO and Ray is a General and both Luke and Jason know not only each other but also Ray.

Christian's subs tried to kill him! Geez and Elena gave them the codes to get into Escala. Why did Elena want Christian dead? Thank goodness that both Christian and Jason survived but not unscathed.

Love how they met at that therapy session and that they immediately at drawn to each other and that they can touch each other because apparently they both have or should I say had Haphephobia.

Guess Ray just waltzed into Christian's place and stopped them before they got carried away. LOL
Carol222 chapter 5 . 10/30/2018
Great chapter. Everyone is experiencing bliss! I especially like that Ray has found happiness with Brandy and her daughter, Sarah. Their lives were devastating, but now they are safe. I also liked Ray's encounter with Elliot Grey. Ray was compassionate; Elliot was almost bowing to family grief. Elliot will regroup.
carla.rbaptista chapter 6 . 10/30/2018
pepe71 chapter 6 . 10/27/2018
So much great news! Can't wait for the next chapter already xo
Cindra chapter 6 . 10/27/2018
Wow what wonderful news for everyone...thank you for another fantastic chapter.
Munkeyfump20 chapter 6 . 10/27/2018
Wow thanks for the very good read I will look forward to the next instalment and link.
daytonalay chapter 6 . 10/27/2018
Wonderful chapter. Everyone has news and is worried will not be well received but it is the other way. They all feel loved and blessed. Thank you for writing two great chapters. Xoxo daytona
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