Reviews for When the dam breaks
breakingbethany chapter 10 . 6/14
Omg I’ve never read this story unti now! It was amazing watching Hank and Jay’s relationship grow from what it was to now!
Guest chapter 10 . 6/8
I loved your story! It’s very well written and once I started I couldn’t stop until I finished! Thanks for all your hard work!
SkinnyDog06 chapter 9 . 6/4
This story is amazing, Love the relationship between Hank and Jay.
Scootermagoo chapter 5 . 5/3
great story i love it. but fyi concussions dont go away in a day no matter how not serious it is
Belker chapter 1 . 10/19/2019
The Hank Voice, omg! ”Hank wants to kill the effing coffee”
I could just see him there, so scared about Erin, and it all comes out as ANGER! I just hope O is getting through to him so he doesnt kill Jay.
Reading on :-)
Belker chapter 10 . 9/8/2019
I loved this! Jay and Hank sounded just like they do on tv and it was an interesting take on their relation to eachother.
PumpsandPearls chapter 10 . 7/10/2019
So I’ve been living under a rock for the last few years and only recently discovered Chicago PD when I found some of the reruns in syndication. I’ve been obsessed since then and completely in love with Jay and Erin as a couple. Of course we won’t get a happy ending for them on screen but fanfic has filled the gap for me. I’ve read a ridiculous number of fanfics in the last few weeks and this is hands down my favorite. I could picture it happening on screen so easily it was like I was actually watching the show. I could see Hank losing it on Jay if Erin was shot and I LOVED the development of their relationship. Every single word of this is perfection. I’m saving it to read again later. Thank you for sharing your story with us!
SoFeelingTheLove chapter 10 . 5/18/2019
Umm Hi! I have no idea why I missed this awesome epilogue to your great story that I had been following. But wow I just read it and it’s just the perfect ending. Hank’s concern for Jay growing to the point where he is comfortable admitting it outloud and to Alvin. Giving Jay the speech about not being expendable and actually making him go to therapy and get better because he cares so much about him. Trying to make him feel welcome in his home as Erin’s boyfriend. And the ending, welcoming him in his family and calling him son, just showing the evolution of their relationship. I absolutely loved this story and the way you told the Jay/Erin love but focusing on Hank/Jay and Jay’s struggles. You made it romantic without focusing on the couple too which takes skill. Great job! Would love to read more stuff from you.
cheetahreader1213 chapter 1 . 5/10/2019
great story! you did really well at keeping them all in character. write more!
raeschiev chapter 10 . 2/27/2019
I loved this story. I really enjoyed the dynamic between Voight and Halstead and I hope you do another story around them, seeing as this one turned out so good.
floopdeedoopdee chapter 10 . 1/18/2019
Wow! Great story! Loved that you explored Hank and Jay's relationship! Great job! Thanks!
Ghostwriter chapter 10 . 12/30/2018
Awesome work. Love it.
Orion9 chapter 10 . 12/30/2018
Best Christmas present ever! You write Hank so well and I love the many insights on Jay. Thanks for writing and sharing this gem of a story. Happy New Year!
Lily chapter 10 . 12/23/2018
I wish I can see more of your work in the future which is Jay and Hank centric
The Great Gig chapter 10 . 12/21/2018
That was a perfect ending to a great story!
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