Reviews for Alternations
Enchantix6789 chapter 8 . 4/18
Nice chapter :D I prefer this ending to how it actually went in this episode to be honest.
Enchantix6789 chapter 7 . 4/18
Aww, you know, I think this has been one of my favorite chapters of this fic so far. :D another amazing job.
Enchantix6789 chapter 9 . 4/7
You're gonna make me cry one of these days XD

Another absolutely amazing chapter!
The Poisoned Lover chapter 9 . 2/8
Beautiful fanfictions ! Don't stop writing, I want other chapters ! Love 3
Poisoned girl
iamacliche chapter 7 . 1/27
Aw, this was a pleasant surprise to see in my alerts, and I really love what you did with this chapter - it's so cute! I hope you are able to write more soon!
Enchantix6789 chapter 6 . 1/21
Enchantix6789 chapter 5 . 1/21
Awwwww those last two lines :'( :'(
Enchantix6789 chapter 4 . 10/7/2019
oOf the Fraphne is strong in this
Enchantix6789 chapter 3 . 10/7/2019
Cuties :D 3
Enchantix6789 chapter 2 . 10/6/2019
Ohhh my gosh I grinned so hard reading this. 3 ahh when I watch the scene in The Witches Ghost when Daphne asks the question it just kills me that Fred ends up not finishing his sentence just AHHHHHH (and great work by the way :D)
Enchantix6789 chapter 1 . 10/6/2019
Ahhhhh 3 awwwww. Everytime I read your fanficitions all I can think of to say is awwww, I'm sorry. XD seriously though, I just gotta take this opportunity to express how much I love your fanficitions, you should be proud of your writing & story ideas. I also love that you gave an actual explenation for Fred flirting with Lena & Fred flirting with Beau. 3
iamacliche chapter 6 . 10/6/2019
I have definitely read these before, especially the earlier ones, but I've never left a proper review, so here I am! I hope you continue to update these, especially since there is so much potential with all the different movies and episodes. I love all of your depictions of Fraphne so much.
Sarah8 chapter 2 . 6/19/2019
I loved it! I to have written one please read my Scooby Doo Story I would love to hear what you think just be kind.

Guest chapter 2 . 10/18/2018
I'm so thankful someone finally wrote some good
chapters on Fred and Daphne! I LOVE this story
so far and hope you continue!

I REALLY want to read the chapter on the cyber chase film!