Reviews for Gravity Falls- Once More
Guest chapter 3 . 2/5
Please Update Soon!
Midsix9091 chapter 3 . 12/27/2019
I really love this and hope you choose to continue it in the future!
RenegadeForLife chapter 2 . 4/14/2019
Not that I completely disagree with this characterization of Mabel but many of those specific examples don't exactly paint Dipper in the best light. In the waddles episode Dipper is the one who selfishly abuses time travel to impress a girl while I believe Mabel won waddles in the original timeline. In the Bipper episode Mabel does bail on him but he's the one who makes a deal with an evil dream demon which is comparatively far more selfish and idiotic. Mabel's the one who has to save him in the end so him mentioning this feels really petty (although it's ridiculous how long she pauses before making the decision to sacrifice her sock puppet show). Mabel's making fun of his height and manliness is basically just sibling teasing, and in the height episode he once again abuses the weirdness of gravity falls and ends up getting them both trapped by Gideon (I'm pretty sure the voice thing was just a story Dipper made up). In the sleepover episode Mabel is kind of selfish but once again Dipper is the one who decides to stay body switched and sabotage her and the conflict is resolved when Dipper admits that he's just been feeling lonely since Mabel has been hanging out with her other friends so much (Which sort of makes him seem like the dependent one). But that's just my opinion. It's not like I don't see Mabel's selfishness in some of those examples and even more in Weirdmageddon but Dipper is often just as, if not more, selfish. The difference is that Dipper is able to recognize his faults and slowly grow as a result whereas most of the time Mabel stays largely the same so that they can have another crush of the week episode. But that distinction kind of falls apart when he suddenly pushes all the blame for these events onto Mabel when he's still the one primarily responsible for a lot of them.

Overall this premise feels really interesting and I'd probably read more if it were longer but at this point it seems like it's almost definitely been dropped.
Ravencell chapter 3 . 2/21/2019
Great story, great chapter, great happy-mask salesmen reference, can’t wait for more!
The Cowardly Christian chapter 2 . 12/11/2018
Thank you! You've completely embraced the spirit of this challenge!

...your the first person to really do that, thank you.

If you need any help, feel free to PM me.

...also, the whole 'wait you guys are tiny, there's nothing stopping me' line was gold...
Guest chapter 3 . 11/27/2018
this would be better without the random author notes.
The Cowardly Christian chapter 3 . 11/26/2018
That was cute stan giving Dipper advice on getting Wendy, nice job there. for the mysterious person in the second chapter...could it be my favorite creepy pasta on the hunt? ...I guess we'll see...

If you need any tips or advice, don't hesitate to call!

Remember, you I owe you 9 updates! PM me!
The Cowardly Christian chapter 1 . 11/26/2018
Awesome! Why didn't you tell me you were doing my challenge?!

In any case I owe you 9 updates, tell me which stories you want updated and I'll do so.
Ahmed Samy chapter 3 . 11/6/2018
Honestly the whole "Dipper and Mabel at their forties but now Dipper is forced to live with her and she ruined his life" that TCC made is extremely exaggarated,i get why people hate Mabel,but i still think he victimizes dipper a bit too much making them seem black and white
johnnycatalina chapter 3 . 11/7/2018
I like this! I like this concept. You’re doing great! And YES to Wendip!
Lord Demolitions chapter 3 . 11/7/2018
Please not Wendip. The age difference makes things weird and I like the idea of Wendy seeing Dipper as a little brother.
RasenganFin chapter 3 . 11/6/2018
Dipper should remember the Wax Museum Statue incident but play along to have an excuse to go to the Skull Fracture and meet up with Manly Dan and introduce himself as Wendy's friend. Dan isn't impressed by Dipper at first but then Dipper exploits various things about him that Wendy told him like how he should be making his kids breakfast more in the morning. When pressed about how he knows that Dipper replies that Wendy frequently steals Stans Ice Cream Sandwiches as soon as she gets to the Shack implying that Wendy isn't getting enough to eat at home. Dan is surprised that a pre-teen boy is saying that to him but admits he's right and things have been tough lately, but he mostly doesn't know how to make most breakfasts aside from Flapjacks. Dipper recalls Wendy praising her fathers flapjacks. Dipper produces a Cookbook and gives to to Dan in exchange for a Soldering Iron and some extension chords. Dipper continues the "Investigation" and pretends to be caught in the Wax Statues trap only to whip out the Soldering iron and melt every Wax Statue and Wax Larry Kings head still escapes into the vents. When Mabel asks how Dipper figured it all out he stretches the truth about how he figured it all out, since he already knew, making himself seem smarter to Mabel, but when she asks about how he could possibly know the Statues were magically animated Dipper replies "You were nearly married to Gnomes and we encountered a robotic Plesiosaurus the other day, seemed to be the right idea. Plus the no fingerprints made it obvious."
When it comes to haunted convenience store Dipper just doesn't lay in the Chalk outline and when Goaded Dipper redirects the crowd to the Soda fountain and suggests they fill Thompsons pants with Sodas instead, earning a chant of approval. The Next night Dipper goes back and summons Ma and Pa to tell them off for what they did before dying, confusing them about how he knows. Dipper says Teenagers are always disrespectful and they were too when they were teens. Dipper creates one copier clone to distract Robbie as Dipper has a meaningful conversation with Wendy, no nervousness, no accidentally insulting her, lots of compliments earning a few blushes. When Robbie returns Dipper mentions he doesn't like Robbies attitude and he hopes Wendy never dates him. Robbie sees Dipper, overlooks the Pine Tree instead of the 2 on the hat and accuses him of stealing his bike but Wendy defends Dipper saying he was with her the whole time. Meanwhile Tyrone took Robbies bike and crashed into the old Church falling down into the hole getting stuck in the Amber Sap preserving him and making him fully human.
RasenganFin chapter 2 . 11/6/2018
RasenganFin chapter 1 . 11/6/2018
YES! I say do what I did to make Tyrone fully human, have him be encased in Ancient Tree Sap Amber, or Amber Sap as I've dubbed it.
Miss Mystery chapter 2 . 10/29/2018
Yeah, I never understood why Mabel couldn't win Waddles and then take him back in time, help Dipper, Wendy doesn't get hurt, and Robbie is alone forever... Well, until Tambry.
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