Reviews for Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
Guest chapter 6 . 5/13
I don't know what I support more Bakuyami or Tokoshoji
Guest chapter 4 . 5/13
This is alot sadder to me than normal people. Mostly because I can sort of understand. Staying up though the night, not being able to go to sleep because your parents are yelling at eachother in the room over. There was no sexual abuse, but emotional and psychological abuse was constant growing up for myself and siblings. It eventually stopped, the turning point was my dad getting sick after my parents divorced. (Parents divorced, dad got sick, parents getting back together after working out their problems)
Mctapfer chapter 31 . 4/21
wow. Just wow. this is really a great story, and I liked reading this. well, Icm not that good with words, so just saying thank you for writing such a great fic focusing on this aspect of our society and honestly I'm just glad that it ended well because reading the last chapters of BNHA and the drama that happens made me fear that thials fic wouldn't end well.
SparkzReborn chapter 3 . 3/17
You know you're in a fucked up situation if Kacchan calls attention to it.
Chopper Joe chapter 31 . 3/8
Yaaaaay you finished it!

That was a lovely two final chapters. I rather enjoyed that flashback, and am ESPECIALLY glad to see Hawks and Fuyumi worked out (especially after the tragic ending in Star’s Villain :’(

Great work friend. I’m so glad you got this story finished!
MultifandomTrash chapter 31 . 3/3
moleluv chapter 6 . 3/3
oh my god tokoyami shoji is totally flirting with you
DragoonSensei chapter 31 . 3/2
This was so freaking wholesome!
fatwhiteguy chapter 31 . 3/2
Finally an ending! Its been a long ride but it was worth it! Now if only you could finish Mad Banquet of Darkness and Mushroom Mishaps...hint hint nudge nudge. In all seriousness plz take your time I'll wait as long as I need!
Saki Ana chapter 1 . 3/2
Amazing! At first I was fairly confused because so much was going on at the same time but,by the end,I was following on completely!
DipKitsune chapter 31 . 3/2
Wow. This was such an amazing conclusion to my favourite story on this site! You tied up loose ends, established all of the connections that the main characters had and even finished it off how the story began: a bird child entering a loving home. I seriously cannot understate how much I love this story! Serious congrats, and I can't wait to see what else you write!
zero fullbuster chapter 31 . 3/2
Love it.
Great to have you back in this story.
I can't wait what happens next.
DipKitsune chapter 30 . 1/12
Hello. I am writing this review as somebody who is a massive fan of this fic. To say that this has helped me is an understatement. I read it late on sleepless nights before another stressful term at school, I read it when I felt down and needed some MHA in my life; but most importantly, I read it because I love it. I read it because I love Sora and the story you have given her, and the natural progression of her character - the ups and downs of her and Fumikage's life. I thank you sincerely, and will most likely be doing a drawing of Sora and Fumi on my instagram (dipkitsune). That is how much I love these characters. Thank you very much for this beautiful - albeit sad at points - fanfiction.
Can't wait for the next chapter,
MultifandomTrash chapter 30 . 1/2
Woo! An update! SOOO glad to see Sora is safe!
Pkk chapter 30 . 12/28/2019
Aww, so the next chapter will be the last? That's a shame - this story is really well-written - but I'm sure the epilogue will be just as good as the rest of the story, and I can't wait to read it!
This chapter was great! Sora has been saved, and I'll be glad when she and Tokoyami see each other again.
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