Reviews for My Reality
NazgulBelserion chapter 7 . 7/24
Break momo add her to your team call her your beautiful Pandoras Box maybe momo here is a lonely rich girl who's parents are never there do it would be great to have another girl for him
Wintas chapter 9 . 7/21
Dude, sorry for your parents, I hope your dad get well soon. Well for story Idea hmm, how about Deku having overhouls Quirk? I mean I read a story where he haves same as shigaraki (hope i write true) and you can write with Overhoul Quirk. Well İf you want to do that you have two options
1. Both deku and Overhouls exist (no OP Deku): Deku is being deku, having overhoul quirk; Overhoul being overhoul having overhoul Quirk (Damn too much overhoul in one sentence) Well, deku is not geting OFA still loving heros, fanboy of all might having a notebook. And this time bakugo (and others) is being bad to gim because he has "villianous" Quirk (when he gets attacked by that slime guy, he uses his quirk kills him get away) so no meeting all might.
2. Both Deku and Overhoul exist (yes OP Deku): Deku is being deku, having overhoul quirk; Overhoul being overhoul having overhoul Quirk (Damn too much overhoul in one sentence) Well, deku is GETTİNG OFA still loving heros, fanboy of all might having a notebook. And this time bakugo (and others) is being bad to gim because he has "villianous" Quirk.
3. Only deku love heros still have a notebook BUT he is a little bit overhoul. For example he doesnt love getting touched (but dont destroying arm of the person who touches, or The WHOLE person) and saying "bla bla your germs, bla bla your germs" still exited about talking a girl, his hero costume is like overhouls and his hero name is overhoul (if you wish you can change the name to deku, but please dont change costume) well I am not sure that should he wear a mask at normal class I think you Can decide that. Also overhoul arc doesnt exist but you can connect Eri with League of villians.
Anyways if you ask me you should make 3. One actually please do 3. One ... Okey okey I AM BEGGİNG YOU, PLEASE DO 3. ONE. But if you say "Haha your requests go brrr" make 1. One the not OP deku
Hope your dad gets well and if you see this please answer. And one more last think

Nabe-Chan chapter 8 . 7/19
Why are they suspecting her? Did kirishima sold her out. If not then it doesn’t make sense.
Nabe-Chan chapter 5 . 7/19
Kirishima? Kinda hard to believe. I like his character but he’s kinda dumb.
Nabe-Chan chapter 4 . 7/19
Well... so much for not being able to ouch one of her hairs. he just contradicted himself. then again i cant tell if he's being sarcastic. i thought he would just convince her not making her into a masochist. im not ranting i like where your going with this.
Wintas chapter 8 . 7/19
Awww man Why have to die! I am not chopping the air, You are chopping the air !
The Lone Swordswolf chapter 3 . 6/26
When I started reading, I imagined Izuku becoming more like Sander Cohen. And that intrigued me. But this Izuku isn’t like that. Playing with their bodies after he kills them rather than catching them in their moment of death. It somehow makes him less interesting. I liked the premise though, but this is as far as I go. I hope you well and that your writing flourishes, but I must bid you au revoir
Waffenmia chapter 7 . 1/20/2019
A little bit disappointed that no student died in the fight.
XenasBell chapter 7 . 1/17/2019
Is mina still alive also mina ashido sounds like a butchered way of saying minor acid in a Japanese accent
ICanRememberThis chapter 7 . 1/17/2019
This is awsome
WeirdGuyOne chapter 7 . 1/17/2019

Though there is a lot of lucky heroes..

Plot armor.
Curse you!


P.S. keep it up, I still see a great story. I don't really have much time on this to do a proper review.
Flareblitz the God chapter 6 . 1/13/2019
Wow. Ok, normally I'm really not into dark stuff, to be honest, but your writing style is amazing. I've read your other stories as well, but honestly, I'm conflicted about this one.
Oh btw, you should change the rating to M
Little max chapter 6 . 1/13/2019
Really a cliffhanger right at the climax that's a low blow but cool chapter. And there gonna try to kill our artist nooo!
Little max chapter 5 . 1/7/2019
Cool story I wonder what Izuku's going to do next!
Waffenmia chapter 5 . 1/7/2019
10/10 now if only we get a fight scene with snipe and Izuku says "It's high noon" before sniping him.
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