Reviews for Out For Blood
BeautifulSamurai chapter 1 . 11/29/2019
This was so great! Wish there was a sequel :)
BelleFairy13 chapter 1 . 5/21/2019
I loved this, would love a full fic if you were ever inclinded!
Bionically chapter 1 . 5/18/2019
Wow, this was great! I agree with the other reviewers that this seems like a setup for more. I really like how unexpected it became. You captured their exchange perfectly.
Jezzi.tofadeawayagain chapter 1 . 5/18/2019
This was excellent! I have so, so many questions about how he was turned, how he got familiar with Muggle computers and the like, how his initiative works/how he doesn’t get caught with the blood, etc. Loved the characterization!
SpaceKace chapter 1 . 3/3/2019
Ugh this is just such an intriguing story! I hope you continue with it sometime. This is truly a unique plot! And I love both your Draco and Hermione! Thank you for writing and sharing
clarine chapter 1 . 2/23/2019
Votre histoire est tout à fait prenante et mériterait certainement un développement. Merci pour le partage !
KhaleesiMyhsa chapter 1 . 1/27/2019
Oh I loved this. But can you write more chapters? Because it feels so much more can happen.
littleladyangel chapter 1 . 12/10/2018
Fantastic. And very original :) needs many many more chapters :)
Sorceress of Magic chapter 1 . 10/31/2018
Ruthy4vrSmoaked chapter 1 . 10/30/2018
That end is heartbreaking. Poor thing. Again masterly written but I want the e rated version. There's so much possible...
kimbclar chapter 1 . 10/30/2018
mcal chapter 1 . 10/30/2018
You have such a flair for painting a vivid scene! And your word selection is always perfectly fitting for the tone you’re trying to set. This right here: “Draco Malfoy opened the clipboard as he strolled down the narrow corridor, his lips quirking into a small smile.” —a perfect beginning...and then THIS! “Draco stopped, his polished black dress shoes squeaking as he reached the end of the linoleum.”—it says much about Draco already. I can hear his shoes as I read.

“It's probably not her, Draco told himself. What would she be doing here, in Australia, of all places?” I AM SO VERY INTRIGUED!

I love this— “Bushy hair, wide brown eyes, and a slight slouch - something he had attributed to the size of her book bag back at Hogwarts.”— it’s a small observation, but he made it and decided it nonetheless when they were younger :)

These little hints you drop that this isn’t a normal blood bank... “he had hoped she would turn and run when she recognised him.” Reading onnnnnn!

BLESS HIM! Merlin, I love this part: “She mumbled her thanks as her handbag grazed his chest, and her scent hit him - floral and summery, reminding him of lazy evenings spent in the grounds of the Manor…” (I have weird fascination with scent and eye color descriptions, lol)

I just also really love this: “He tugged at his tie, the navy blue material feeling as though it might strangle him if he did not loosen it...” I’m growing as tense as Draco!

I can’t help but giggle and snort at this: “It really was a win-win situation; he would get through this in one piece, and ignoring her would definitely annoy the bint to no end.”—hilarious!

Another bless him here... “"I remember," he ground out, willing his cheeks to remain their normal, pale complexion...” he really is trying! I’m so eager to learn truly WHY...

Laughed right out loud! Scared Ansley off my lap, lolololol! “Of course, he thought bitterly. She even gets top marks in sodding medical examinations”

“her brown eyes boring into his own as if she could see straight into his soul - as if he was a puzzle she merely needed to put back together.”—I’m reading this the same way too, Draco. So sorry, love... this was perfect descriptive writing here btw...

Ooooooohhh! I AM SO FREAKING CURIOUS AND I WANT ANSWERS! “He handed her a round, red stress ball with the words AUSTRALIAN RED CROSS BLOOD SERVICE written across it in white block font. "Squeeze."

OH THANK MERLIN SHE STARTED THIS EXCHANGE! “This is weird," she blurted out suddenly.
"It is," he agreed, before he could stop himself.” —Draco’s self-will was strong and I was starting to think he wouldn’t crack...

The awkward tension in this conversation is brilliant. So excellently written. We feel their past, heavy and hard. Like being thrown into a silent pool...i was internally cheering to read this, though: “He'd left his prejudice somewhere in the walls of Hogwarts after his sixth year, when he had been but a puppet in Voldemort's gruesome theatre.”

Ohhhhhhh... “"Sorry." She laughed a breathy laugh and turned back to face him; he noted that her cheeks were surprisingly dry, though her eyes had taken on a glassy quality. "I didn't mean to just dump that all on you. I haven't exactly had time to make friends yet, and, are sort of a familiar face."—this just tugged on all my heartstrings...and I’m starting to forget the trope part of this story. Just getting lost in feels, but now I’m holding my breath!

AND IT HAPPENED! “The silky plastic slipped through his fingers and his brain was too slow to even attempt to fumble it; it simply fell, spinning a few times before hitting the tiled floor with a wet squelch!”—delicious and incredible word selection! Reading onnnn...AHHHHHHHHH! YESSSSSSS! “the smell of the blood as it ran in all directions beneath his feet hit him full force.
His pupils dilated and he froze as his gaze locked hungrily on Granger's face...” —my heart is just pounding. Yessssss!

YESSSSS! I HEART DRACO SO MUCH! “His more human side, now incredibly weak and almost buried beneath the feral beast in his mind, was able to utter one last piece of advice to Granger before everything went black, "Run."—and the heart you have given him! Yesssssss!

LOVE THISSSSS! “I was concerned after I left the centre," she said, her hands still raised. "You're a vampire." There was a slight inflection on the last syllable, but Draco knew it wasn't a question.”—THE TRUTH AT LAST!

My heart. It’s just shattering. Shattering and crying and aching and dying: “Like hell it isn't!" he roared, throwing his arms wide. He was aware of how crazed he must have looked in that moment, but he couldn't bring himself to care much. "I was turned before I was eighteen, and there was no where to get help; please don't go and kill anyone - magical or not - but also, your thirst blood will literally take over you and no, there aren't any services you can access to help you through the need to feed." Granger chuckled and Draco swore colourfully under his breath. "If you're going to mock me -" —you’ve captured the bitter desperation of his situation and I simply ache and ache for Draco all the more.

FIST PUMPING THE AIR! I love the heart you’ve given Draco in this. How he’s matured and grown into himself: “I collect blood which is then distributed to vampires in the area; there are others like me, all across Australia, which means we are safe to humans. When I approached the Ministry about such a program in Britain they laughed at me; they were too concerned with the war clean-up to care about a bunch of blood suckers who may or may not pose a threat to their society."—le sighhhhh, I love him.

YAYAYAYAYYAY! “and I'd be happy to speak on your behalf."

Done. I’m crying “Lucius and Narcissa think I'm dead. There was a funeral and everything." ... “Draco should have anticipated the third degree. "Because I'm a monster! You don't understand what it would do to my mother if she knew!"
"But -"
"No!" he roared, the fire in his chest exploding as if Granger's last word had been gasoline. "I don't need your help, and I certainly don't want to return to England!" He began to breathe again, a habit of his when he became frazzled, his chest heaving as he stalked towards her.” —how tragic that he should see himself that way. And ohhhhh, the feels you have brought to me! To this story. Such rich depth!

Merlin the ACHE! “But as he twisted on the spot and Apparated away, he couldn't help but allow Granger's words to replay over and over in his mind…"Don't wait until it's too late to prevent future regret."