Reviews for 四天王と 朽木 : Four Kings and a Kuchiki
Guest chapter 12 . 8/3
Ok this is amazing
MIA chapter 12 . 8/1
Thank you for the update! I really like the omake you have at the end, I'm quite excited to read what Rukia's and Toushiro's reunion would be like. I look forward to more of this!
Dreaming Haven chapter 12 . 7/26
Really good update. Loved the part about Toushiro. I honestly am dying to get passed the filler. I want to see more Rukia hanging with Ichigo, Toushiro, Ikkaku, Yamichika, and Renji. I have always thought she could be really good friends with Ikkaku and Yamichika because of where she grew up. She had to be tough to make it there and to become a Shinigami.
I love the bond she and Ichigo have, and would love to see how an even more mature Rukia can be there for him. I also love that Toushiro and Rukia’a relationship is already further along that it had been. I want to see how it changes things when they get stationed together in the world of the living.
BakaHimi chapter 12 . 7/26
Hello, I missed you! So glad to know you're still continuing, and even put the effort to rewatch the fillers. Hope everything's fine irl.
As always your writing amazes me, and how you manage to keep them in character and aaaa Toshiro will enter the scene again! Cant waitt o/
IchiRuki-Ventus-11 chapter 12 . 7/26
I was thinking of this story just a while ago and decided to see if there was an update,
Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
Very glad that you are continuing the story I very much love it! And things are getting good!
mischiefdemigod chapter 12 . 7/26
YOU'RE BACK! i've missed you, author-san . i've been reading this fic either on here or ao3! since i've read it here, i probably won't go on ao3 but we'll see

i legit gasped when i saw that you updated and only now was able to read the whole thing and I LOVE IT! it was so action-packed and really, really loved that bit with Ichigo and Zangetsu. The pacing of the chapter was really great too! and, my fave part: the omake! Like seriously, Toushiro and Ukitake, yeah the older captain knows something he didn't and Hyorinmaru was a hoot, teasing Toushiro like that!

Anyways, legit can't wait for the next chapter and really, really can't wait until Soul Society gets involved (especially our fave white-haired captain obvi). but, as painful as filler arcs are, as you say it is important for character development and I feel that doing this just gives us more hindsight on their relationship and bonds as a team!

so overall, loved this chapter since it's been soooo long! and can't wait for the next one too! kudos and much love, hehehe
PrincessBloodBlossom chapter 12 . 7/25
Can’t wait for the next chapter and more Toshiro/Rukia moments and interactions!
MockingJay344 chapter 1 . 7/25
Thanks for another chapter! and I'm still here.
Cissnei69 chapter 12 . 7/25
Since you want to know: I'm still here! XD
Great chapter as always. Is nice to see how things are changing. Though I'm looking forward for more interactions between Rukia and Toshiro XP
Astarte celeste chapter 11 . 6/4
This stpry is very well written! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Anonymous chapter 11 . 5/18
I knew it was gold. Very well written. Exquisite. Perfecto .
Definitely second best after that "legendary" Conversing the Dragon, and I'm not even trying to sound exaggerated lol
9. 5 out of 10. Minus half just because there are some misspelling and such, not a big deal. The important is, I really loved it. I wish I read this sooner because it has been such a long time since I read a good-non AU-non OCC- HitsuRuki fanfic. Thank you for making this. Can't wait for the next chapter. I would love to read more from you.
Anonymous chapter 3 . 5/17
I was only on chapter 3 and I already know this fanfic is going to be gold.
MIA chapter 11 . 4/15
You have a great story here, and it's all the more special because of HitsuRuki (I'm biased). I love that you are descriptive of how Rukia works her way up to her abilities, and that her inetractions with Toushiro are slowly but surely progressing. Sode no Shirayuki's sass are enjoyable too. Look forward to more of this wonderful work. Thank you for sharing your story!
Dreaming Haven chapter 11 . 4/15
Great story! I admit I was really missing Rukia and Ichigo in this chapter but I can see where it was important to add the others to this chapter so we know what is going on.
Hopefully we get lots more of Rukia and Ichigo in the next one.
Honestly I was a little disappointed with going through the Bount fillers. Mainly cuz they were just fillers and I was looking forward to how Rukia and Toushirou were going to act when they were both on a mission together. I’m really missing the Rukia and Toushirou right now, but I suppose distance makes the heart grow fonder.
Hope you update soon! I can’t wait to read more of your story, and how the ripples you’ve made effect this story!:)
Anon chapter 11 . 4/13
Woohoo... that was awesome. Although I’m curious why ichigo and eukaryote could not hear the fight.. can’t wait for the next chapter
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