Reviews for RWBY: Destiny Of Legends
JimFlint chapter 5 . 2/22/2019
Very interesting and well done. I'm thinking of writing my own rwbyxdestiny fic and am glad to see others taking it up.
I look forward to the next update.
A fan chapter 4 . 12/2/2018
... shit ruby aint innocent im scared now
President Angel chapter 3 . 11/18/2018
This is good. I enjoyed reading the Crucible match. And I see you also mashed up both universes as if they were just a single universe. Good to see I'm not the only one who does that.

Overall from what I've read so much, its promising, and I look forward to reading what comes next. Nice work, Scourge.
Joker555888 chapter 3 . 11/17/2018
Are Ruby and Yang Awoken like Raven? You didn't mention anything about Summer, so I assume Raven is the mother of both of them.
OnePunchPlayer chapter 3 . 11/16/2018
Ugh...Qrow is that Peacock (Uldren Sov)? I have Completely forgotten that Qrow and Raven are siblings! (Fitting for Uldren and Mara).

I would HOPED Qrow wouldn't have to be dealing with Riven Taking him and have him kill Cayde here as well!
Midnight Ruins chapter 1 . 11/15/2018
I sense that soon were gonna need to give out a We Ran Out of Medals to the girls. Good to see ya still alive Scourge!
dovah117 chapter 3 . 11/13/2018
HOLYYYYY CRAAAAAAPPP! THE GJALLARHORN! i really forget that weapon ,kinda beacuase i didnt have in destiny 1, but oh well at least is something that goes with yang personality witch you kinda make her a little crazy and she likes zavala! and also qrow appeared, didnt expected for him to be an awoken, and his best buddy is cayde! that part was freaking hillarous, i keep laughing all that part! the chicken raid! hahaha! good work and waiting for more!
Guest chapter 3 . 11/13/2018
Can we get a picture of Shaxx, Ruby and Yang? That would be so cute...
TheRealCactoos chapter 1 . 11/12/2018
Let me just say this:
“The helmet stayed on.”
dovah117 chapter 2 . 11/9/2018
I kinda was hoping that Yang got an exotic, but i dont know wich one is best suited for her, for Ruby I can say that the most efficient would be the Black Spindle, i would the wisper of the worm but xol isnt dead...yet or she will use crecent rose? And I want to see the interaction between Ruby and the Vanguard! Holy crap Zavala is going to have a lot of headache, and hoe will be the interaction between Cayde and Ruby? Will the 2 of them will be gun nuts? (Actually I can imagine Cayde being one) and also the White Fang exist here? And what about the vex and cabal? You havent mentioned anything about them
Midnight Ruins chapter 2 . 11/9/2018
I likey what I is seeing
Guest chapter 2 . 11/9/2018
I'm praying for Qrow and Cayde shenanigans... I'll die a happy man.
TeamRWBYCookies chapter 2 . 11/9/2018
I absolutely love this story and this was a great update. The level of writing is going up. Overall I am pleased with the result and I understand your reasons for potentially shorter chapters. However, if you feel like you are not satisfied with the results then don't update until you are completely okay with this. This is your story and we, the readers, are essentially a third party.

I'm happy with how you are examining many minuscule aspects of the Destiny Story. Speaking of the CANON Story, it's finally getting more "fleshed out" with the Forsaken DLC. Basically, do you have a firm grasp of the Destiny Lore? It's pretty amazing the directions Bungie plans on taking it. While the actual storytelling leaves much to be desired...(whisper) thank you for filling in that less notable aspect...The world-building is actually quite amazing. I hope you have plans to implement more of the Destiny Lore with your own interpretation of the story. Amazingly, there are quite a few individuals on YouTube who make detailed Lore Videos for Destiny. I watch them usually when I get confused about the story, because Destiny is surprisingly confusing. Some people include My Name is Byf, Myelin Games, Destiny Guides and Beard_Grizzly. They make great Destiny videos like you make great chapters kind of great. RWBY Volume 6 also blew a lot of expectations out of the water. Magic was at one point a universal thing and Salem was actually a Girl Locked in the Tower Chick...

Overall, I like where this going so far. I like the fluffy interactions between parent and child, I like how much depth you seemed to be invested in. I hope you plan to implement more of the Destiny Lore with this adaption of this source material and I pray you keep getting better at writing this amazing work! Thanks for your effort and time you put in for making this treat for us. I hope you know how important this story is too me. So thanks once again for doing this not only for me, but eager readers of this FIC! RWBY Volume 6 can viewed early on a website by the name of AnimePaces where they basically update the videos when the RT Video is only available for members! Episode 3 comes out tomorrow morning!

I also understand how hard it is to combine 2 universes concepts for one awesome slug fest, but at the same time please be EXTREMELY CAREFUL how you do it... If you take the time to figure out these harder concepts early on you'll avoid MAJOR PLOT HOLES AND PLOT BUNNIES later on...I'm okay with some of your far...but I am worried a little about some stuff. But hopefully you figure it out in a good way. So thanks for being patient enough to work things out at least before updating chapters rapidly.
A reader chapter 2 . 11/9/2018
2nd verse just like the 1st good chapter pal although there is one thing seeing yang do remind me of o e of shaxx's bad habits in crucible: interrupting matches I say this because well it you do you research on the redrix guns it turns out shaxx game crashes matches from time to time aka he sneaks up on unsuspecting fire teams and hits them with a good ole fist o havoc would be nice to see that again...
A reader chapter 1 . 11/9/2018
Ok good so far.. can't read the 2nd chapter yet absent loaded that being said please commit to this story don't drop it like the other ones you did.. yes I saw I always look at previous works of a author and I'm giving you a chance that being said you don't have to just a great bit of us will be disappointed in you if you do no pressure
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