Reviews for MERCY
Cao dreams in books chapter 36 . 8/23
Megan for heaven's sake YOUR FAMILY IS IN DANGER! MOVE! YOUR! AFT!
At least he had the decency to apologise for hurting. Is it because he's going to be a parent? Hah, he lives a bit to his kid's name in that case...
Oh thank god Bob is okay. But in pretty bad shape. Also I love Steve's double game, he's not as helpless as he seems! I really hope his plan is going to work.
Also Antaeus totally deserved that kick. Boy do I hate him. Fortunately there's Steve to watch out for Cass... Please let him be safe!
Cao dreams in books chapter 35 . 4/15
AH! IN YOUR FACE, ANTAEUS! Although you deserve more pain and you undoubted deserved to have your spike CUT OFF, slagger. I hate this guy so much... and now I'm scared for Caspian :(
Although the cuteness with Cass and Soundwave was exactly what I needed! I love how Soundwave recalls his adorable memories of baby Cass and I'm glad Mercy is ok *phew* but seriously I'm a sucker for parent/child relationship and this one right there you wrote it beautifully. So thank you for this moment of reading! And goodnight
Cao dreams in books chapter 34 . 3/10
Great way to make someone panic, thanks. The cuteness with Laserbeak is gone and now I'm worried sick for little Mercy. Although I'm also very intrigued by the fact that apparently Soundwave and Cass communicated in a dream? It's cool but strange at the same time, like what?
And Cass is pure bean. He worries for his fellow Vehicons, which is admirable among Decepticons, and him caring for Laserbeak is adorable. I almost squealed when she communicated with the sparkling aaaawww x3 also it's cute to see that Cass likes human fairy tales (without the gore XD)
Thank you for this moment of reading!
Mimajo chapter 34 . 3/9
Guest chapter 32 . 1/11
This post is probably not going to be seen and my random review on this chapter can't change anything but... This would've been a perfect opportunity for Mr. Bad drone to kidnap dear Cass. Breakdown just trusted the first random guy to be in the hall at the time. It would have been too good to be true for mr. tall evil drone and he wouldn't need to harass Bobbi for the information he desires.
... Just thought I would toss it out there before I continue reading more.
Cao dreams in books chapter 31 . 12/3/2019
I am very sorry to be so late to post a review and also I want to ask: what is it with y'all tonight, do you want to make me cry until I've got no tear left or what? Because in this chapter everyone is sad. Tristan is dead, Caspian is traumatised, someone lost their loved one, Knock Out and Breakdown are despaired... well at least the couple have decided to share their pain and support each other, that's a good thing. But still I wanted to give them a big hug so bad... I'm sorry they had to delay the arrival of their sparkling.
Also could someone please give a blanket to Salem and Cass? Poor guys deserve it and I'm horrified to see how mentally scarred Salem is because of Ratchet. Great I'm going to cry again.
And here comes some mystery with the change of colour. Oh boy what does that mean?
This question will probably be answered in another chapter so I guess I'll have to be patient. Thank you for this moment of reading!
maria-ioanna984 chapter 31 . 11/19/2019
bummmmm?!ok hey cutie is in the HHOOUUSSEEEEEE?!ok i really need to see Megtron open a new port to that jerk drone?!i mean,whats his problem?!
oohhhh violet?dark energon much?!hope they get to it fast? !
huhhhhh i know how u feel?!i;ve trying to find job for a while,nothing so far! i have too if i dont wanna go and live with my mother...yyyiisshhhhh and im writing a new story too,when i feel like it,to many problems not a good muse i tell u?!
cant wait to see more
till all r one
CreepyLola chapter 31 . 11/18/2019
Nope, I changed it, don't worry the shadows tell me you're not THAT crazy.
Guest chapter 30 . 11/17/2019
This is the best thing I've ever read in a long time! I can't wait for the next chapter, if there'll be one. I did, however, see grammar errors. Anyway, I hope to see what'll happen to Starscream and Steve.
vampgirliegirl chapter 30 . 10/10/2019
Keep going please
CreepyLola chapter 30 . 10/6/2019
Another joke brought to you by CreepyLolita! So you know how back in the old days only people who were rich had a car, while the poor rode on a horse? well I guess you could say the stables have turned!
vampgirliegirl chapter 29 . 10/2/2019
Keep going please
Cao dreams in books chapter 29 . 9/28/2019
*bursts in like a cannonball* I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT REVIEWING SOONER! YOU TOTALLY DESERVE APPLAUSES FOR THIS MIX OF FLUFF, SMUT AND ANGST. Because holy trinity and all that jazz I didn't expect to have a glimpse of Megatron's past relationship with Ratchet. Ouch. That hurt though. I don't condone Megatron's violent actions but I can understand that he is frightened to love again. Because dang he is really deep in with Cass. Be it in the shower (do you still have tissues because that was hot as hell, my nose can attest to that) or in the berth where they *cuddle* (I love the cuddles).
Cass calling Megatron "m'love"... adorable.
The beginning was very funny too. I love the "bickering" between Lazerbeak and Knock Out lol.
Still, we don't know what is Cass's past... and I'm hyped to discover it ;)
Thank you for this moment of reading!
Cao dreams in books chapter 28 . 9/4/2019
I'm sorry for not putting a review sooner but DANG, does this chapter deserve it.
The opening scene is kind of sad because we can see how much shaken Cass is, how he wishes for things to be as they were before. The sentence "Commander and assistant" illustrates it perfectly. Also you show perfectly his inner turmoil concerning Megatron.
(Oh and Cass' affection toward Soundwave made my heart melt, I love every interaction you write between them).
"His spark pulsed like a calmed beast, his usual growl slowing into a steady purr." I can't really explain it but I really love that line. Poetic and powerful. Definitely one of my favourites.
Megatron being sweet with his lover is definitely one of my weaknesses. Big scary boy is in love~ and so is Caspian. I'm very excited to see what their little family will look like :D
And as always, the smut is awesome. Do you still have tissues? XD
Thank you for this moment of reading!
Megatronas chapter 28 . 8/28/2019
LOVED ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! Finally some Megatron/Caspein time :-D
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