Reviews for The Mission
Deanne Marie Cullen chapter 65 . 7/21
Great story...thank you for sharing your talent w/ us!
Munkeyfump20 chapter 65 . 6/4
Wow thanks as always for a very good read. Are you bringing on the next chapters of this story if so I will look forward to it if not thanks again for the read.
CTHEWOODS chapter 65 . 5/28
Great fucking story! I hope you have another soon. My birthday is Would make a great present! ;);)
CathyD52 chapter 65 . 5/28
Terrific story!
unicornlover99 chapter 65 . 5/25
loved it!
zeeulove chapter 65 . 5/25
I am glad it ended well for them. Thanks for sharing your story with us.
eville23 chapter 65 . 5/25
Thank you for this story enjoyed it so much. Til next time
Munkeyfump20 chapter 64 . 5/18
Wow thanks for the very good read as always. I can't wait for the next chapters. Please keep them coming.
SnowyRosie chapter 63 . 5/13
Such an amazing journey! Hope there’s more of it
CTHEWOODS chapter 63 . 5/12
Oh, so not fair! I reaaaalllllyyyyyyy don't like cliffys! I think you can live without your spleen so he should be okay, right? So, did Giezelle die? Was Henry in on it? Can't wait for more! Love this story!;)
unicornlover99 chapter 63 . 5/11
loving this. story.
zeeulove chapter 63 . 5/11
I hope they will be alright.
CupcakeW chapter 63 . 5/11
Oh no. Ya han pasado por demasiados retos, merecen ser felices y también nosotros. No escribo en todos los capítulos, pero éste ya me llevó al extremo de la desesperación. Déjalos recuperase por favor.
Guest chapter 63 . 5/11
Please don't let him die
Munkeyfump20 chapter 63 . 5/11
Wow thanks for the very good read. I will look forward to the next chapters. Please keep them coming.
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