Reviews for The Rowdyruff girl chapter 14 . 1/1/2019
I love this and ignore me crying in the corner because it's ended hahahahhhahahahhahahabhahabbabababhahbahabahabhaha
tommy255 chapter 14 . 12/5/2018
Poor butch his so sad
Craiger69 chapter 14 . 12/1/2018
Despite the fact that what the boys did was wrong, I just can't help but feel a bit bad for Butch because he lost someone he saw as a friend.

You are right, friendship is not build on lies and tricks, an important life lesson, one I'm glad you stuck by. But I just can't help but feel bad when someone losses a friend or someone whom they see as a friend.

Anyways, everything I wanted to say I already said in my previous review. I had an amazing time reading this story and I will definitely read it again in the future.
Beep chapter 14 . 12/1/2018
Aw, is this the end already. I was kinda hoping for more, but I get that is has to end somewhere. Anayways, this was so much fun to read. Is there any chance that you're gonna make more stories like this? Cause I think a lot of people would enjoy it.
Thanks for the fun read!
Traverse the Portal chapter 14 . 12/1/2018
Great story!
Midnightmasks chapter 14 . 12/1/2018
Make another one where buttercup join the rowdyruff choice! Maybe il see a little bitchxbuttercup, boomerxbubbles in it! But pls no do not work well. I mean like boomer and bubbles r cute, butch n buttercup r rough, but blossom is smart and brick is not. Loved your story btw! ;)
Invader Johnny chapter 14 . 12/1/2018
It was indeed a downer ending gor the boys but for Butch more than anyone since he will undoubtedly feel down in the dumps for a while that Buttercup is no longer his friend not that she ever was since the bond they formed was based on a lie.

Truth be told, part of me hoped that Butch would become an anti-hero (not a full hero) just to be with Buttercup.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
TheEarthTiger chapter 13 . 11/30/2018
So cute! it's sooo sweet! please please please, can you make the epilogue long?!
i thoroughly enjoyed this ride
can there be a final scene with Butch, like maybe they become friends in secret or something?
tommy255 chapter 13 . 11/30/2018
I like buttercup with the boys they got along so well and butch seems upset that she isn't there friend anymore I hope they can make up
Traverse the Portal chapter 13 . 11/30/2018
It’s kind of sad though because Butch and Boomer seemed to actually like her
Craiger69 chapter 13 . 11/30/2018
I gotta say, this is the first story in years that actually made me constantly check my mail for an update and leave me so excited for the next chapter.

I was secretly hoping Buttercup would stay with the Ruffs, but I knew that wouldn't have made for a good story, so I'm glad you didn't go with that.

I enjoyed this story so much that I actually wish there was a bit more story to be told. Out of all the PGG fanfics I've read so far, this one gives me the feeling that I'm watching an episode of the original series the most.

I had a blast reading this story and I hope you make more PPG stories in the future.

I know I should probably say these things at the epilogue, but I just really wanted to tell you.
Invader Johnny chapter 13 . 11/30/2018
I wonder if Buttercup's memories will come back in full? I mean it would be interesting to see how things between her and the boys are going to be, sure she gave them the beating of a lifetime.

However, Butch and Boomer will most likely take the defeat in a different way than Brick will since he got hit in his pride and ego.

While his brothers technically lost a friend... Someone they were just starting to get to know since Buttercup is now their enemy again.

That being said, she's back with her family where she belongs but things will never be the same.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
Beep chapter 12 . 11/30/2018
Well, hot damn, you update fast, girl. I'm happy the girls and the professor got reunited, but I still find it sad for the boys. I feel like she changed them a bit, you know, and now they lost a friend. And even though they were using her, I feel like Buttercup could more herself on some level, when they weren't stealing and what not, but just having fun. I wonder if she's gonna miss them and they her. Also, I wonder if there might be some clashing with her going back to normal, like if she just gonna slip back into easily
Traverse the Portal chapter 12 . 11/29/2018
Hahahahaha the Rowdyruff Boys will probably never want to fight them again
Invader Johnny chapter 12 . 11/29/2018
Wow... Buttercup was merciless with the boys and I have the feeling that she technically went easy on them because as mad as she was if she was angry at 100 percent, there would be nothing left of them.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
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