Reviews for Jackie Chan Adventures: Olympian Journey
erica.phoenix16 chapter 9 . 9/16
Thanks for updating. :)
Metal Overlord 2.0 chapter 9 . 8/31
Well color me impressed, I never imagined that you'd manage to fill in this much lore for Tohru in regards to his backstory. It never occurred to me that his family was wealthy, but that would explain a great deal of how Tohru came into contact with Valmont and the Dark Hand in the first place as he could have easily attended any number of social events at his family's estate. I was FASCINATED by the brief glimpse you gave us of Tohru's family history and hope to see more especially in regards to what happened to his father as the story goes on.

Honestly this chapter was great at fleshing out our favorite sumo wrestler/chi wizard. His unhappiness over his mother dating without giving him any notice is deeply sympathetic, and you could really feel his rage only barely kept in check enough not to lash out at anyone. It was a nice touch that as angry as he was, Tohru never crossed any sort of line with Jade, Jackie or Uncle. His anger was evident but he kept it in check enough not to take it out on them or even Daisuke, the wellspring of much of his current problems.

Speaking of Daisuke, I'm curious as to just what his true intentions are. While it's possible he could have an ulterior motive, ala the classic 'Gold Digger' plot, it would be just as interesting if his interest in Tohru's mother was on some level genuine, forcing Tohru to deal with him from a much more morally ambiguous perspective then the usual bad guy. Add to that how Hephaestus was always an interesting god to read about, and I'm quite looking forward to seeing what happens next!
7th Librarian chapter 9 . 8/30
Okay, totally unexpected character in the form of Tohru's mom and it was a brilliant sideswipe. I loved her appearances in the show. The idea of Tohru belonging to a sumo family would have been an obvious thing to explore in the show, but they never did, so I am glad it's brought up here. Also pleased that the dangerous, antagonistic and painful feelings of a family running on negative emotions is shown instead of Tohru just cowering and his mom played up for humor. Realism is always appreciated.

Also appreciate the twist that she got the power and everything. It's a good swerve that keeps the story fresh instead of playing to expectations.

Though, I have to ask - why is a jet three hundred million dollars? Is it a Transformer? It is rated for space? Can it go underwater? Does it have KITT? It certainly isn't Chan proof - it's like the universe just ensures all their negative karma falls onto their borrowed possessions...
Kitten Knight chapter 9 . 8/30
All right, new chapter!

Oh man, I couldn't contain my laughter after I realised who was gonna appear, Tohru's mother and Uncle's bickering is always hilarious. Eris' hatred for for airplanes returning was pretty funny as well, (wonder what her opinion of other transport is like...).

Gotta admit, didn't see the twist that Tohru's family were rich coming. I'll admit it's a bit of a cliche, but you pulled it off really well. Guess the unresolved issues with his mother and father drove Tohru to join the Dark Hand, at least he ended up with the Chans in the end. Hope he and his mother (and step-father too) can manage to patch things up in the next chapter.
Eduard Kassel chapter 9 . 8/18
Well well, Prometheus what do you have there?

Ah a true passionate craftsman, always inspiring to see. And how nice of Vanessa to pay the man instead of simply robbing him. Though she really should not have jinxed it.

MC hammer references abound eh?

Well Eris caused quite the setback just by blowing up the Jet. That poor budget. Jade shares Eris' hate for commercial flight I see.

Nice Gilligan cut with Uncle's rant, and lampshading Tohru's unspoken family name. Takagi Tohru eh?

Tohru's family is rich. Never seen that one before. Uncle demanding Tohru pay for take out had me laughin perfect delivery!

Shizu eh?

Ah the art of mended ceramics which celebrates the fact the broken was mended rather than conceal it was ever broken. I think I see where this going.

Classic family drama, the step parent and the disappeared dad.

I wonder if we will get the full story on why his father left?

Good to see the villains having some relaxation.

Well the power of one of my favorite Olympians is in the hands of quite the imposing character.
Matt chapter 9 . 8/17
Something tells me that the tale at the end will become important soon.
Ri2 chapter 9 . 8/10
That's a really gross beard, Mrs. Tohru's mom.
0ccam's Razor chapter 9 . 8/10
Okay, after reading and rereading the chapter closely, I have FINALLY gotten a chance to review!

First off, I’m liking the character of Eris much better, as she’s actually starting to act the way a Goddess of Chaos should. Her rather odd way of expressing her anger towards air travel does make her seem like a chaotic wild-child who defies logic. This has potential should she encounter other devices that tend to make folks mad, maybe soda vending machines or ATM?

The fight at the end was short, but hilarious. Pure “Jackie Chan” stuff.

Now my comments on the main plot, which I’ll first say had excellent characterization, the personalities of Tohru’s mom and Uncle’s reactions to her were very well done and very true to the source material. Now, I was kind of antsy about the actual conflict between Tohru and his mother, mainly because the motive (son of divorced parents resents his mother for dating and you have no idea who you should side with) is almost a cliche, although you did seem to at least put a unique spin on it, and the juxtaposition of what is happening here and the actual myths regarding Hephaestus is very intriguing.

That is, in fact, one thing I love about your work, you do the actual research and include “genius bonuses” everywhere.

The “just so story” at the end was a nice touch.

While the cliffhanger was well done, it seemed rather ominous; I would NOT want to be in Tohru’s spot right now, his mom scares me…

But I’m looking forward to it!
Ander Arias chapter 9 . 8/9
Well, the moment Tohru's mother showed up, I knew she was going to be the next victim of the godly possession. Though, for a moment I thought it was going to be Big T himself.

It was rather interesting seeing Tohru's background in more detail, given that the show didn't explore his past that much, other than showing his mother. Given that he comes from such a privileged background, I'd like to see what events led Tohru to work for a crime boss like Valmont (canon suggested that Tohru comes from a humble family, given that her mother liked him working for Valmont because he made a lot of money).

The part about the origin of the sharks, even if it isn't related to the chapter at hand, was a pretty interesting read.

Nice chapter overall. Can't wait to see the next part :)
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 9 . 8/8
Nice to see some of Tohru's family life. No wonder he doesn't mention it.

And cool touch about the Shark Origin's legend.

Keep the good writing.
Zim'sMostLoyalServant chapter 9 . 8/8
Loving how Eris took out their plane and everyone's reaction to it.

Some great drama with Tohru's mother, and I can't wait to see it play out.

Keep up the good work.

Zim'sMostLoyalServant signing off.
D.J. Scales chapter 9 . 8/8
Nice job. I'm lear ing so much about greek culture.
Curse Of Kings chapter 1 . 6/18
Does Jade give any no holds barred beatdowns in this story?
Kitten Knight chapter 8 . 6/11
Oh my God.

Jade didn't sneak along with Jackie and company, the world really is in dire straights, isn't it?

Sorry for not reviewing for a while, life kinda got in the way. Anyway, as I said before, your writing matches the show's style perfectly. I love how you've even brought back one-shot characters from the show and give them a chance to shine, especially Vanessa, Kasahara and Zhixin as Eris' henchmen, their dynamic is hilarious and they bounce off one another really well.

Also, I like the idea of combining the lesser Greek God's powers, definitely shakes things up a bit and gives those who claim the God's powers a little more variety too. Also, the Greeks had a God of beekeeping? Guess they have all their bases covered.

Prometheus and Hestia having a few skeletons in the closet and that they're not being completely honest with good guys is also pretty interesting, just have to wait and see what plays out.
erica.phoenix16 chapter 1 . 6/1
Thanks for updating. :)
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