Reviews for RWBY Watches Classic Movies
Queylon chapter 77 . 19m
When you first listed a space Western with baked Alaska I immediately thought of serenity. I have been anticipating this movie ever since. I kept imagining who would play what parts. I imagined qrow as mal but your idea of using the antagonists as the cast is better than what I could come up with (why you're the writer and not me). I think Roman is an inspired choice. I cannot wait for the rest of the movie. Firefly and Serenity are some of my favorites.
RHatch89 chapter 78 . 4h
Awesome update :)
axel100 chapter 78 . 4h
Yes Emerald, its only for one film. If she were in your shoes she surely wouldnt be complaining about her love interest now would she?

Also, are they still Brown Coats since Roman is wearing his white over coat?
Black cross0 chapter 78 . 4h
Damn the reavers are worse then Grimm? That’s a scary thought.

I’m interested in what the next chapter is gonna be like.
StrongGuy159 chapter 78 . 5h
Amazing chapter Part 2 continue please.
Luffy L Deathwalker chapter 77 . 5h
What movie is this supposed to be?
uzzi455 chapter 78 . 5h
it is a great movie you have chosen. i didnt knew the movei so i watched it and it was great story and i love the cast you have choose.
Gamelover41592 chapter 78 . 5h
Excellent work on this chapter
Critical Darling chapter 78 . 5h
They should be grateful it's only Grimm. If it were Reavers, there would be absolutely no hope.
razmire chapter 77 . 7/20
I can’t say that I’ve ever heard of Serenity, so this is something new for me in that I won’t know what to expect in the upcoming chapters. Not sure if I want to watch the movie now so that I know what to expect, or wait till after you’re done writing this movie so that your chapters make it a surprise.
Jacob9594 chapter 32 . 7/19
Hahaha Neptune got whipped.
Jacob9594 chapter 31 . 7/19
Their reaction to the mummy was perfect, truly terrifying.
Jacob9594 chapter 30 . 7/19
And Velvet has opened Pandora's Box, the Mummy has returned
Jacob9594 chapter 29 . 7/19
Heck this Watts got what he deserved for his greed. I liked the kiss scene.
Jacob9594 chapter 28 . 7/19
i liked the scene with the discussion about Faunus knowing multiple language.
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