Reviews for Saving the World of Light
Guest chapter 30 . 6/21
Hi there. Arms guy is joining Smash. I am OK with him as long as he is not Spring Man.
ElysiumXVI chapter 30 . 6/8
Woo! (fires off confetti cannon)
Kinda Worried chapter 28 . 5/16
First, where are you? What's taking so long in bringing here chapter 29? Second, I believe that each of the DLC guys in Ultimate Smash Bros has their own reason on why they want to destroy Galeem! If you want, I can tell you each reason the DLC guys want to vanquish Galeem.
epicpeachtime chapter 28 . 2/4
Why is Nathaniel not telling the others about how "Yeah turns out I only get my memories back if I kill the smasher myself. Otherwise, there goes my memories". Surely Crazy would somewhat understand, considering how long they've been adventuring together.
epicpeachtime chapter 8 . 2/3
Um...? Wasn't Villager saved last chapter? So why are only Kirby and Mario rescued smashers?
epicpeachtime chapter 6 . 2/3
"...that one time in 9th grade where I was doing a presentation and completely botched it..."

God I love this already. Yay character backgrounds/development!
Guest chapter 28 . 11/30/2019
Also, I do not know what to do when it comes to celebrating one year of Ultimate Smash Bros. but nice story anyway, buddy.
Guest chapter 28 . 11/30/2019
Bravo! I noticed you did not get to Donkey Kong yet.
Elysium chapter 28 . 11/27/2019
Oh god. Imagine how big the party is going to be by the end!

They might be able to defeat Galeem by just dogpiling on him.
The Normal Mage chapter 27 . 9/6/2019
I may have places to go but I do not know how many until the next chapter. And if Galeem really did destroy Southtown and all of Terry's friends, then I am sure it would make Terry upset. As for Banjo and Kazooie, they want to get revenge on Galeem for sending one of his followers to rob their house even after Galeem's forces killed the video game heroes with last laugh gathering powers
Elysium chapter 27 . 9/6/2019
The party grows! (Even though Aimee isn’t actually listed among the party members in this chapter...)
Bob E chapter 26 . 8/24/2019
Nice fighting with Little Mac and Joker too, guys. Still can not wait for Banjo. Bye.
Elysium chapter 26 . 8/24/2019
My theory on who Oblivion is is growing more plausible as I read...

Also, what on Farore's green Earth happened to Joker?
14shiffna chapter 4 . 8/24/2019
That is very true.

Oh shut it, Ender, how many times have I put you in traumatizing situations?

Um, the Flood, the reset of my universe, and I'm sure there's more on the way.

Yes, but you've walked away fine all the time.

Elysium chapter 25 . 8/1/2019
Aimee, then? Pretty name.

Also, no need to worry. Three Houses has been consuming my life lately too... XP
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