Reviews for No Grave, No Memory
Makanie chapter 11 . 4/10
Great story!
UnnamedElement chapter 11 . 3/1
I’ve just re-read this story and wanted to share again how much I enjoyed it. My professional background is in child trauma and family violence and I’m now studying child trauma in grad school. I share this because I just always love how much thought and consideration you put into your work. You understand the nuances of issues and acknowledge existing debate that underlies them, but you always explain why you did what you did, from psychological issues to medical ones. You are so accountable to your words, and I just adore it.

This piece was beautiful and complex, and it remains my favorite take on the Legolas-Thranduil interactions in the hobbit movies. I didn’t even like the hobbit movies, but this story always has me going back to rewatch their interactions on YT every time I read it. Lol.

Gorgeous story, gorgeous characterizations, beautiful moments between Legolas and Maenor particularly.

That is all, ha.

Thanks again for writing and posting!
Eaze chapter 11 . 12/14/2019
lastseventh chapter 10 . 11/1/2019
WOW I have to pause dozens of times to continue reading, at least the finishing two chapters gave me some comfort. I can barely read them in one sitting. Hurt so much.
There are some tiny points which I can't understand why, but maybe later I would read twice to finde why, let's say I'm strong enough to read ...
After the last chapter, I'm really curious how would you describe the first meeting between Thranduil and Strider. Well his son find one place to fight (beside a human) How will he react on that?
lastseventh chapter 4 . 10/30/2019
since i waited and waited and still no chapter 8 from your new work, so i come to read this one which I dared not to read in a long time, the reason is exactly the title of this chapter: all the joy I read would hurt deeply eventually and i will need lots of tissue to weep my tears, I clearly know you talent of aiming that goal T T
MistandShadow chapter 11 . 7/17/2019
The fact that this story was often horrifying and heartbreaking and difficult to read and yet I never for a second could look is a testament to your skill as a writer. Everything about your OCs astounds me, particularily your unique and gorgeous interpretation of Legolas's fierce mother and Legolas's incredible grandfather (who was a force of nature just like his daughter) and the three lords who I normally adore but cannot help but resent because they are TORMENTING LEGOLAS. I am honestly speechless after reading this, but I have to mention that my stomach honest to god dropped when Thranduil said "She burned." and it finally clicked for both Legolas and the reader what happened to her, and Thranduil's grief-induced, mad speech (that only immortals could make- god I loved that line!), especially "I will tear this world apart" and "There will be no salvation for me." actually caused me to put my phone down and take a few breaths before continuing, and that whole scene will stick with me for a very long time. This is just an astoundingly brilliant story, and you have such an incredible talent. 3
pineapple-pancake chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
This is very well written, but I don't feel like I can keep reading about torture and suffering right now. Maybe in a very sunny day.
Duaimei chapter 11 . 5/21/2019
This was beautiful! Thank you.
THiaLieN chapter 10 . 4/10/2019
There are tears in my eyes when I read this story. I'm at work, well, resting. This is so brutal, yet believable. I can't help but make it a Canon filler in my mind because it fits perfectly. Even though the end is tragic, I am so Glad that they were reunited no matter how brief. I love how you portrayed Legolas, being young and naive but also valiant in his own way. And the silvans, especially The Queen is a very strong character. I love it so much.
Thebigsnail chapter 11 . 3/3/2019
I really don’t even know what to say. The amount of time, research, and thinking that you do to make your stories make sense and have meaning, is an incredible accomplishment. These type of well written stories are hard to find, and you seem to just pull them out of a hat in an abundance. You have such a talent, and have really enjoyed getting a chance to read this story and many of the others you have posted.

This is probably one of my favorite stories I have read so far that you have written. Thought, I cannot pinpoint exactly why. Maybe it’s just the storyline or the characterization. All I know is that I really really loved this, and am having a hard time putting any of your stories down and just want to keep reading more! But my RL is knocking and reminding me I have other things to do. Thank you for another marvelous read, I hope to read more soon! :D
NorthKai chapter 9 . 2/6/2019
Oh my God. This is incredible. No fanfic has ever had me even close to the verge of tears, and this one did.
I have way too much to say about this, your writing in fantastic, I am in awe of how well you wrote in the present tense during the Mirkwood parts, and your inner dialogue is incredible. Your word building is on point.
I usually can’t stand OC characters, but all of them, ALL OF THEM, felt as if they were canon, and if Tolkien read this he’d probably say so to. I loved Naneth and Grandfather, you filled their characters out so well. Like damn. The village felt real.
You did a fantastic job at portraying Thranduil as loving, but also keeping him distant and icy-which is what he very much was, and you stuck to that and gave amazing reason for it.
All your characters had such drive, such a goal, I always struggle with that in my writing and you just made it look effortless! Lol
Omg and your writing on strategy, where did you learn about all that? It made so much sense and made the story feel so real, I have learned so much from the fic.
And your dialogue-beautiful. I am ravenously jealous of how perfect your dialogue is. The phrasing, word choice, stellar.
I look forward to reading more of your work, and write more gritty dark stuff, you do it amazing justice!
Thank you for writing this. It was truly a joy to read. ️
Raider-K chapter 10 . 2/4/2019
Awww. Great ending. I always enjoy how you explore the complicated facets to their father-son relationship. Once again, your characters tug at my heart strings and make me long for more!

Thank you for sharing.
Raider-K chapter 5 . 2/3/2019
I’ve really enjoyed the homage or background story you’ve concocted for why Legolas fights with his long knives. Great chapter.
Raider-K chapter 4 . 2/3/2019
I love this glimpse of Silvan village life you’ve given us in this chapter.
Raider-K chapter 3 . 2/3/2019
Oh, I’m so glad to see Legolas’ other grandfather. He is an interesting character. Once again I’m struck by your strong characterization of the Legolas’ mother. Even his recollection of her attempt to smother him to save him from the orcs’ cruelty.

I also liked how you used the repetition of Legolas waking to see his ceiling to frame his state of mind. Nice.
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