Reviews for Drunken nights
kagomeLove2 chapter 5 . 4/28
Lol Sesshoumaru does not understand Rin at all.

I wish we had more to read. Hopefully you will bless us with more
kagomeLove2 chapter 4 . 4/28
This was so funny. I like it very much
LP Luna Phantom chapter 5 . 4/3
This was hilarious! Hopefully you will one day add another chapter!
Alannada chapter 5 . 2/6
Oh my goodness, no! It's so amazing! I like this fic so very much!

Also yeah, poor Rin
Alannada chapter 4 . 2/6
Ahahah this was so fun! Seeing them both learning to express their love in a different way is so amuing :D
Alannada chapter 3 . 2/6
I find it highly amusing that Inu is basically more advanced in 'arts of bed' than Sesshy is. But then Inu's mate in from our time and he is not as stiff and insatable as his brother :D
Alannada chapter 2 . 2/6
this is so very amusing
Mechine chapter 5 . 2/2
I think it is really funny. Sesshoumaru is hilarious, but I feel sorry for Rin. Isn't she hurt by his cheating? He does not see it that way at all.
WildHeart44 chapter 5 . 2/1
All 3 just talking about sex is funny. I would be jealous if I was Rin.
Individua do mal chapter 5 . 2/1
Don't stop. I like to read. Continue please.
Tenzi chapter 5 . 2/1
no, don't stop! I really enjoy this story. its lighthearted humor while on the smutty side of things is actually perfect for this trip of couples. especially with a normal but pervy human couple. a half demon and a futuristic human. and that really does leave the nieve human and the pompous full demon lost some where in translation. its great.
Individua do mal chapter 4 . 8/20/2019
Continue please
SolamenteKari chapter 4 . 8/7/2019
Happy mate, I'm sure!
lye tea chapter 4 . 8/7/2019
Oh, I am loving this story! Very hilarious. Yes, quite silly subject matter (then again, sex can be rather silly), but you wrote everything extremely well. Can't wait for the next update. xD
Yas chapter 4 . 8/5/2019
owwww.I wanna read more. Continue please!
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