Reviews for A Year in the Life
heidi0620 chapter 39 . 1h
I just found this story and read through it in about a day! Please say you're still writing it! I love the Rory needs to get her life together aspect!
AJ Granger chapter 39 . 4/29
Had to catch back up on this one. Love that Emily has such an easy time with Matt. Lorelai's remark was uncalled for, but typical for Lorelai to say. She often spots off stuff without thinking. Poor Emily for feeling so alone and clinging to the idea that she needs to stay alone and faithful to Richard. I know it's hard, but I hope she works through that and realizes that she's still a catch. I actually think she had the best storyline in the AYITL. Lorelai stagnated to the point where I intensely disliked her for what she did to herself and Luke by not letting them really live and move forward with their lives together. There should have been a baby between Luke and Lorelai, as you have with James. Then Rory turns out to be a failure who keeps throwing her life away and still had not fixed anything by the end of the year. She and Logan won't be happy together and Rory isn't a mother. Rory is very much a train wreck. I like what Lorelai was trying to instill in her, but she pushed it a bit too much. And all the cheating. It's nuts. I like your take on things and I hope we get some better resolution with this story.
nightnovice chapter 39 . 4/20
Funny how panicked Lorelai is getting, but still refuses to check herself.
ReadAndLive chapter 39 . 4/18
Caught up with the last few chapters. I can’t wait for the next Logan/Rory update. The lunch with Emily and Matt was cute. I hope she isn’t wallowing too badly over her conflicting feelings. Lorelai should go check on her though. Maybe they can clear the air a bit.
Nancy chapter 39 . 4/18
Lorelai is really, really between a rock and a hard place. For her own piece of mind (and for Luke's sanity), she should go and check in. Emily is not doing well emotionally - or so it seems. Thanks.
nightnovice chapter 37 . 3/31
Funny, I like that Emily is being pursued.
ImTheNana chapter 37 . 3/28
Great story so far! Can't wait for more! (The name is Dragonfly Inn
nightnovice chapter 36 . 3/22
Fun chapter, like the waves of energy.
lotris chapter 35 . 3/20
que se venga un trory con la visita en chilton
nightnovice chapter 35 . 3/10
Intersting chapter, some resolution, akward wncounter avoided and Paris being, well, Paris.
Kazza65 chapter 35 . 3/7
Well it was fun whilst it lasted. I hope her and Lorelai start talking soon.
Kazza65 chapter 34 . 3/7
My gosh. Why can’t she just talk to Logan? I know you said she’d be single but was hoping for a change of heart. Bet there’s no baby. Hope Rory falls pregnant and Rogan is end game some how. ( I can wish :D )
Kazza65 chapter 29 . 3/7
Nobody new for sure. Lol!
Kazza65 chapter 5 . 3/7
ReadAndLive chapter 35 . 3/6
How was he going to hide the pregnancy and baby from Rory? Glad she moved out but not sure if she’s moved on yet.
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