Reviews for Inevitable
a person 56 chapter 28 . 10/17
Daaaaammmnnnnn this is a mega cool story. Love it
Guest chapter 28 . 9/30
Plz be another chapter. This can't end this way
I'mThatAcroBat chapter 28 . 11/29/2019
I'mThatAcroBat chapter 25 . 11/28/2019
Um hi so I don’t think you know exactly what you’ve done here. I know you got a lot of love for this fic but I was extremely disappointed to see that you didn’t get that many follows/favs. I just spent about an hour detailing your fic to someone that doesn’t like marvel- has never seen a marvel movie out of pure pride. I sat on my bed and cried (actual, literal tears) at how good this was. The emotion, the detail, the FIGHT SCENES (especially with Deadpool like how are you that aware of your writing). It felt like the scenes melted off my screen and I could just watch it as though it were happening right in front of me. Like you wrote from different camera angles. Or it felt like you did. You never let a scene drag for too long and you never skipped over transition details and scenes. The emotions were so raw I was beginning to get frustrated and scared and betrayed along with Peter. I laughed out loud a couple of times too. Words can’t describe the feeling your writing gives me. Whenever you begin to stray from something that occurred in the beginning (like with the chip) you always manage to subtly bring it back. It all flows like a multi million dollar movie would. But. Honestly? Better. Again words can’t describe. I’m not a dramatic person. So me writing something this (under- in my opinion) exaggerated comment is out of character. Sounds like a lie I know but it’s not. You keep both me and Peter second guessing everything as he gets thrown around and you give May the freaking credit she deserves. Like honestly people. Anyways I guess I have to stop this at some point. Glad you’re alive. And seriously if whatever doesn’t work out for you- I swear you could make it as an author. If you already aren’t one. Best wishes. You’ll always have my love. -madi :)
recondite17 chapter 28 . 10/11/2019
I have been absolutely enthralled with your story... I have been so tense, so absorbed in this, wondering what plot twists were coming next. I love (and have been frustrated by (in the best sense)) the fact that you’ve kept the entire story in Peter’s point of view, through all of his confusion and the manipulations he goes through. It’s made your twist-filled plot very exciting to follow. Amazing job: I admire your talent for crafting a story.
fortisfaith3000 chapter 1 . 10/1/2019
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 28 . 8/2/2019
Oh my god. Nooooo what the hell. Oh pleaseeeeeeeeee tell me u have a sequel.
Imma gonna go check ur work now. Soo hoping I will find a sequel.
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 27 . 8/2/2019
Noo noooo nooooo. U have got to be kidding me. How much more betrayal can Peter take. STARK don’t even think about it. Nooooo
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 24 . 8/2/2019
Wow oh my gosh. This is amazing. I love this fan fic.
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 21 . 7/31/2019
Honestly wow ur writing is just incredible. U have so much talent. U are just amazing. Ur descriptive writing. The imagery. The evoking of emotions. Wow.
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 20 . 7/31/2019
Omg the angst. I’m crying. Ooo my gosh. Geez. I thought tony must actually be trying to help. Wow it was all a lie. Natasha was right omg.
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 18 . 7/30/2019
My heart is broken for Peter. Oh my gosh . The emotion in this chapter. Wow.
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 16 . 7/30/2019
Eckkkkkkk oooo Peter.
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 15 . 7/30/2019
Awwwwww ️
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 13 . 7/29/2019
Omg this is amazing. Ohhh wow. Yay so glad Peter is feeling better and more confident and has his web slingers and omg I love this fan fix
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