Reviews for Ever Onward
col. reader chapter 14 . 7/13
Somehow I can't help myself to see Commander Hatch as Gerard Butler the further I read this story. His manners and woobie backstory parallels to most of the roles he take in action movies.
brywallace03 chapter 14 . 7/9
Fucking loved the chapter can’t wait for the next one.
Flowslikepixelz chapter 14 . 6/25
Ah yes, Thunder and her stand.

The explanation for THIS ought to be interesting.
semsas chapter 14 . 6/9
I still don't understand why a supposed multimillionaire international PMC doesn't own heavier vehicles even for a remote installation.
thewookie1 chapter 14 . 6/8
I guess Dozer does have a degree of sentience after all. Granted its would make sense being its core has been around so long and Hatch is constantly talking to it.

The dollls are banged up but still kicking which is good

I wonder how Scarecrow will take the news of Team Hatch's overwhelming victory?
Phant0mZ0ne chapter 14 . 6/8
I panicked when I read the words "Finale". Great chapter, looking forward to what comes next.
ItzABlueWulf chapter 14 . 6/8
And now i guess we might get off the rails of canon? Can't wait to see.
FictionMilitia chapter 14 . 6/7
Very good writing for this chapter- I somewhat expected for SOP to a bit of a dandere but a yandere works too and Dozer suddenly booting up like that? Not even an hour yet, is Hatch's hallucination more than a simple construction of his mind?

We will tune in next time for the next chapter, which I hope it's soon cause my excitement is making me bounce a bit at my slight impatience
RedSS chapter 14 . 6/7
Damn boi, Dozer is still my fav doll in this fanfic. Also:

"He's military-grade kit Calico, it's dummy-proof. Just fucking do it!"
-Truer words have never been spoken.
Mkoll chapter 14 . 6/7
Wow this and 404 radio in one day?
Excellent chapter, Cant wait to see what is going to happen next with Chapter 5 looming around the corner.
freddy.lane.1 chapter 14 . 6/7
oh shit, dozer just went sentient. Ah hell.
RedSS chapter 13 . 6/4
You know, I really want to see a scene where both Hatch and Helian are wasted, both defeared from an argument they had and some BS that happened to them (like Helian's mixers going bad), just sitting both in a couch with bottles in their hands and wondering about how much they hate each other.

Wild fantasy aside, I was surprise to see this. Took me two days to read it all up. My eyes hurt, yes, but oh well, I'm enjoying it far too much.

HWGA has been on my "to-read" list for years. It may be an older work, but coming from you, it must have at least some good quality content among the rubb you say it has (not that it doesn't happen. We all grow from fanfics that strecht over the years (or at least most do)). That being said, I planned to leave a better review, but damn my head hurts and I'm not in the mood, so I'll leave it here. Keep up the great work and hope real life isn't been that much of a bitch with you right now.

Well, either way, see ya.
Commander 31 chapter 1 . 5/28
Holy Fuck, I Just Realize you're the dude that Write "Here We Go Again"!
Ender001 chapter 13 . 4/21
Damn cliffhangers!
Ghost Angel14 chapter 13 . 4/11
It is currently 2 in the morning, I have binge read the entire thing and had a real good time doing it. I know barely anything about Girls Frontline, never played it watched someone else play it or otherwise, all the reference I have is when I read the few manga chapters.

That being said, I had read Here We Go Again and was determined to read this too. I had to read with the dang wiki open in another tab to remember everyone and keep track of who had what, but it was worth it. You're an excellent author and your knowledge of military tactics/info is what helps to make this a riveting read. (Oh and respect for your time in the service too, more people should appreciate what you guys have to do) I'm definitely following this, can't wait to read more and I hope you update soon. Til then, stay healthy and keep being awesome.
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