Reviews for Fallen Demon of the Goddess Clan
Guest chapter 17 . 9/19
Plz update
Guest chapter 17 . 8/31
I know or at least hope we are far from the end of this story but I kinda imagine the finale battle will be naruto vs the demon king and the supreme deity. I would love if naruto somehow unlocks perfect susanoo for that fight because it would be an awesome fight just to read. I think you are doing great with this story and I think any ending you come up with will be great. I have also read some of the review, do not listen to the hated reviews.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/25
This chapter ruined the whole fucking story. Not that there was any story other than tragedy and naruto's self pity. I don't normally hate this much, but I really hope you don't create another story unless you become a bettrr author.
Greer123 chapter 17 . 8/23
It seems like the Demon King is misunderstanding what Naruto really is. Also thank you for the reply to my last post.
Arraia chapter 17 . 8/21
Perfect and update soon please
R-king 93 chapter 17 . 8/20
Awesome chapter
Uday Sra chapter 17 . 8/20
Akuro361 chapter 17 . 8/19
A short chapter it feels, but still field with information and exciting battles. I look forward to the next chapter you update for any of your stores.
sammykordy10 chapter 17 . 8/19
Will Naruto an assault mode and will he be more powerful than escanor
batmanuchiha chapter 17 . 8/19
hmm i wonder what naruto is doing while this is happening i assume he comes in last minute to save edward
NinjaFang1331 chapter 17 . 8/19
Excellent update
xSean chapter 9 . 7/31
3000 years without seeing each other and both still have a massive chip on their soldier. Don't see it happening tbh. It's not like Meliodas and Elizabeth...
xSean chapter 6 . 7/31
So, I gotta be honest. The plot itself has been interesting. Naruto's actions and the inclusion of multiple characters from other anime is killing it for me. This isn't DxD where ya need to include a multitude of other anime characters to fill a peerage or anything so why there is so many foreign characters is beyond me. Would rather have OCs.

As for the part about Naruto's actions... He has done nothing but throw one massive pity party this entire fic so far. Woe is me, everyone dies around me, I'm useless and I'm gonna kill myself. That is literally all I've seen from him pretty much.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/28
Men I love the story and the plot, but for naruto he’s been living fo so long I though by now he would have developed as a character with all the things he’s experienced. I though he would be more in tuned with himself by now and not lose his emotions so easy.
invoker26 chapter 2 . 6/4
Man.. Naruto became weakling coward
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