Reviews for A Good Day in Godric's Hollow
bad-addiction chapter 2 . 7/28
This was too an emotional and mature story, to be a FanFiction.

The issues each new character have are everyday life and we see them unlocking Harry's thoughts and feelings.
With second chapter, I can understand why he opened up to Thomas. He mustn't had anyone to talk with that was in need to forgive himself. Usually those who are left with an ill spouse have difficulty and the second chapter shows that..
I'm still in my feels.
This was just too good not to be shared with those who don't understand why FanFiction is so interesting.

Can't wait to read more of your work.
Stille und regen chapter 2 . 2/10
oh, this is a really really beautiful story
as additional information, I almost cried on a bus.
it was the 3 best philosophical conversations I've ever read
i love harry's neighbors
and their children's names.
the dynamics of harry and hermione are so beautiful, just as i'm almost crying throughout history, i'm also constantly smiling
truly beautiful indeed
Harry deserves the imaginary award for best response
and I decided that I love your author notes, they are really fun

sorry if something is confusing, i am still dependent on google translator
Beyondthesea16 chapter 2 . 1/1
just found and it was a good story
Renny236 chapter 2 . 12/16/2019
This story was a gift. I loved the lyrical language of your sentences and the overall message that life is what we make it, regardless of circumstance. The widow, the squib, the murderer, the former patient who had come close to death, and the reverberating fear in the spouse who’d had a front row seat for the experience all resonate. Well done! An immediate favorite for me.
DragonTamer01 chapter 2 . 3/22/2019
I sincerely hope you were joking in that footnote where you were disrespecting Spielberg!
kimjo2 chapter 2 . 2/24/2019
Good lord, you are a phenomenal writer. That was an amazing story. Thank you so much.
John Therion chapter 1 . 2/24/2019
I think that you would find much use in trying to read your own story out loud. The overly wrought prose and the ludicrously long sentences make it sound rather ridiculous. Remember, you stop for a breath only in periods, but pause briefly at commas. Paragraphs also add a longer pause. The rhythm of your writing is a mess, in other words.
Megan G chapter 2 . 2/13/2019
This was absolutely lovely. I can't tell you how excited I was to see that you'd written new stories, and this did not disappoint. Favorite Things and Thresholds had been previous favorites of mine. I thought this was a truly unique plot, as well. Beautifully and honestly written - true to Harry and Hermione's characters. I thought Tom Halen was also a complex and fascinating character. Admittedly, you're the first author for which I've ever written a review, and I'm really ashamed of that. Honestly, I didn't discover this world of fanfiction until last spring, and all the stories I read were from many, many years ago. It never occurred to me that authors might still be writing, let alone reading reviews of ten-year-old stories. Ultimately, there's no excuse for it on my part. I'll do better. Thank you for continuing to share your talents by illustrating my favorite fictional should-be couple in the best of ways.
pancake-potch chapter 2 . 2/10/2019
How did I...hold on.

Let's start over. How did I not know you have another fic? You are hands down my fave HHr writer and I'm not pleased that this has flown under my radar. I loved this and once again, you have outdone yourself.
cagzclarine chapter 2 . 2/2/2019
Une belle galerie de personnages dans votre premier chapitre et votre personnage de Harry Potter est vraiment incroyable d'humanité et d'humilité. Une magnifique scène entre Harry et Hermione dans votre 2ème chapitre avec beaucoup d'émotions et de profondeur. Merci !
tezufujilove chapter 1 . 1/28/2019
I'm so glad you're back and with a wonderful story. Hope to see more from you.
Deathcrow chapter 2 . 1/16/2019
This was so beautiful. I know you aren't entirely an unknown, but considering the quality of your stories I sometimes feel like I'm discovering some unknown and underappreciated hidden little gems.

I also didn't expect to like the first chapter with Harry talking to the ex Death Eater as much as I did.

Overall this was just excellent.
ElmRune63 chapter 2 . 1/3/2019
Be still my weary heart is it good to have to back, Stanrick. No one out there quite like you, and your stories are always enough to melt the heart on even the snowiest of days. To many more harmonious moments moving forward.
Marc the Unruly chapter 2 . 12/21/2018
Great story which I enjoyed.

One point. Musical Allusions, I thought the bit near the end where Hermione talks about him Loving Needing and wanting her. I thought that was an allusion to Meatloaf's Two out of three ain't bad. However, you didn't list it so I was wondering if it was deliberate or not.


kayqueue chapter 2 . 12/19/2018
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