Reviews for Chosen of the Valar
Guest chapter 45 . 8/23
Did Kilo not receive part of the treasure for going on the quest?
Guest chapter 44 . 8/23
"Thank you. You may not be wedding my brother, but I do consider you a sister of a sort. It is a joy having you here."
After a few conversations? They seem more like acquaintances.
LittlePenguin chapter 45 . 8/18
I love your work! I was so excited when I saw you updated and was not disappointed! Hope to see more!
Guest chapter 41 . 8/13
How happy will she be married to someone she does not love. And she wants children. She claims to be a romantic, is she even able to be with and have children with someone she doesn't love, all the while knowing her soulmate is waiting out there somewhere... If she loved Thorin, great, but she doesn't. And not for a second did she think her lack of affection could make Thorin unhappy. This story is deliberately stretching thia whole Thorin thing beyond what makes sense form the character's point of view... Meluir was decided never to marry that guy. Btw, is she not worried/happy she might be going home, to her parents and life, after her "task" is done?
The Valar said she would not mean her soulmate - if she married Thorin - until after Thorin's death. Does she not realise this means she could meet him sooner if she were not to marry some random guy...
Guest chapter 40 . 8/13
Meluir's thought processes are strange as she changes her mind all the time: Should I marry him? I will never marry him. But what if I did?
It is interesting she thinks she could marry Thorin just to have his kids, and when he dies, saunter up to "the one" and be all: Here I am! Knew about you, but thought I'd squeeze a couple of years with a different guy, have some kids first.
Guest chapter 39 . 8/13
This story should come with a warning: numerous descriptions of food, clothing and jewels ahead!
Guest chapter 30 . 8/13
There are some things that seem incongrous, e.g. it is quite strange the main character has a maid that tends to her every need. She talks about the importance of hard work, but she cannot even unpack her things or brush her hair? All she ever did in Middle Earth was learn stuff for herself, study, exercise, have fun. She never took on any job. Can she not live without a personal servant? Does she have to be treated like human royalty of centuries past? And why would she not even discuss with Lord Elrond how she feels about women's rights in choosing their partner, when she thought it important? This reads like Princess of Middle Earth Fantasy, Early Disney Style. That is a perfect and perfectly submissive female character admired by all problem. So far, it took one meeting for a dwarf king to think her dwarfish, for an elf king to call her elvish, for a wizard to become extremely protective of her, for numerous dwarves, elves and humans to admire her (most of them quite big characters). She mentioned having meals with Elrond for years without much other contact, no deep conversations, yet, suddenly, she became a lady and he saw her as a daughter...
Growing strong emotions like that usually takes time...
She has not been in one fight. She has not made one mistake. It is as though there is no room for personal development. Being clumsy is not a fault nor character deficiency, no matter how many stereotypical tales of perfect females being so clumsy and needing help (from males, preferably) have been permeating our society. Unless we count being a bit of a suck up (from the moment she met Elrond, e.g., she was talking a lot about being a perfect hardworking guest for him, though of course, in the end, she ended up doing no work for Imladris) as Muriel's greatest flaw, but it would then have to be dealt with.
She is also being praised by people a lot... Let me tell you how great you are, Meluir!
Perhaps, the author feels the opposite and sees Meluir as a flawed, interesting character. This is just an opinion from the perspective of a reader, who only knows about Muriel what is written.
Sometimes things don't add up. Meluir wanted Glorfindel to accompany her on her journeys and Elrond was going to do his best to make that happen. Then, Glorfindel volunteered to accompany Meluir and Elrond was somewhat annoyed. Also, Meluir calls herself a romantic but seriously considers a marriage of convenience (it feels as if the matter of Thorin's pursuit has been left open-ended to make her constantly seem a very desirable character...) At least as a first person narrator, she is flawed. Though it is strange how she is so determined to marry and have children (with a guy who seems alright enough) in Middle Earth. She has very easily accepted that she would stay in Middle Earth forever, even though that is not certain at all. She does not seem to agonize over having lost her family nor eager to come back to her ailing mother. In fact, she does not seem to think of her family at all.
The writing flows pretty well and there are not many errors. The language of the character seems, on the most part, quite believable. Though the comment focused on things that might seem strange, there is undoubtedly potential in this story.
Guest chapter 29 . 8/13
It is weird how she is being treated like a princess.
She could use some faults, some mistakes, something to learn and improve within herself.
Guest chapter 28 . 8/13
Would say that the main characted being liked, adored or loved by an astonishing number of characters would make her a Mary Sue. Or if she is perceived by others, of differebt race, as someone similar to one of their own race, upon their first meeting. Just hoping Glorfindel and Haldir do not fall in love with her. It was a bit weird how she's got a personal maid who would not let her stay alone in her room with her foster brother.
Jojo511 chapter 45 . 8/11
I rally like this story! THX author
UnlimitedShadow chapter 45 . 8/10
YAY! Another update at last! And a good one as always!
Orlando bloom chapter 2 . 8/7
Hey me again I was hoping you could add legolas in soon
Orlando bloom chapter 1 . 8/7
Are the rest of the fellowship in this? frodo,sam,LEGOLAS,gimli,Borrameir,Aragorn,Mary,pipin,?
Hope so
sexylegolas chapter 45 . 8/8
I know for a fact that searching for job can be tough. I thank you for your hardwork for creating such a beautiful story, and I'll stay tune, because I'm counting on the day when Legolas cross paths with Meluir. ️ Good job, author!
guest chapter 45 . 8/6
Great story..just love it...keep writing..! :) :)
I am rooting for Legolas to be Alyssa's future love and also hope she goes to west in the end.
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