Reviews for What You Always Wanted
Shelly Hamato chapter 24 . 6/9/2019
Nukas chapter 24 . 6/9/2019
ahhhhHHHHHH okay that was amazing! The ending made me so happy :D you spoil us and us as a audience is privileged! Thank you thank you thank you!
Techno Dawn chapter 24 . 6/9/2019
This was a perfect ending to a wonderful story. Well done!
Techno Dawn chapter 23 . 6/9/2019
This chapter started off so nicely, with Michelangelo taking a break from the spotlight and Donatello building that cool umbrella for Raph. The part with Splinter was just so sad. But, I guess at least he died happy, and the guys got some closure. I’m sure that monthlong vacation was just what they needed to heal and work on their brotherly bonds.
Brittany-Mel chapter 24 . 6/8/2019
I really hope you continue the story. Or write another one! You’ve got a fan for life now! I don’t know how you feel about shipping Leo and Usagi, but I could see that!
Nutella Swirl chapter 24 . 6/8/2019
Love the turtle fluff, and love how the end of this chapter connects back to the title. :D
I realllly loved this story, Fireworks! I'm sad it had to end, your writing (and humor! Love the little funny bits!) are so awesome. I'm glad I still have your other stories to read, though.
AMAZING job on this fic! :D
Nutella Swirl chapter 23 . 6/8/2019
I really love this! Don's umbrella thing is so cool, and I love it when said that he stood for family peace XD
I'm glad they saw Splinter one last time, though it's sad that he passed away. :'( Guess it would happen anyway, though... ahhh well.
Great chap, I'm excited for the epilogue, will read it right now!
000Marie198 chapter 24 . 6/8/2019
Thankyou for this AWESOME ending! I loved it! And we fans always know what these boys always wanted: To stay together, even while following their dreams.

Mikey seems so excited about the beginning of O'neil Tech, even though they can't reveal the future of the company to her.
This brings back the Fast-Forward memories. It was the only season in which all the turtles acted like the teenagers they were. And teasing Sirling to no end. XD

I'm glad that our support and reviews made you day. They are like a fruit of success to the author's.
000Marie198 chapter 23 . 6/8/2019
Did Donnie like watching Looney Tunes when he was a kid? The umbrella that is stronger and more amazing than Captain America's shield looks like it had come out from the cartoons in which opening an umbrella protects the character from falling rocks.

And Donnie is winking too much.

Oh... Splinter died? That's very sad. But at least the boys have each other now. And losing their father must have bring them closer.

Well, all things aside, how was their vacation? Did it include lits of brotherly bonding?
Thanks for two updates instead of a cliffhanger!
Nukas chapter 23 . 6/8/2019
*fangirls obnoxiously*

I love you I love you I love you :p

Thank you for this amazing story and I’ll be heartbroken when it ends ;-;
Nutella Swirl chapter 22 . 6/7/2019
Wow! That was crazy... just glad that the turtles are okay! I kinda feel sorry for Rockwell but I guess he did deserve that, in a way. Great chap :)
000Marie198 chapter 22 . 6/5/2019
I love how you have described Donnie in this chapter! It's funny and completely in-chatacter with the 2k3 Donnie. An old habbit? I bet he had also installed trackers in his brothers' shells and they don't even know.
The bo staff thing you pulled from 2k12 series, Loved it.
The way he says "Brothers" like ghat answers everything, also love if. Because brothers have a tendency to tear the whole place down in rescuing a lost sibling.

'Donatello resisted his own scientic curiousity. to...' OMG hahahahahaha XD

A double purpose chemical?! Both mutagen and retromutagen? How did you come up with this idea? I like it and knowing Donnie's scientific curiosity, he might have taken a sample before discarding the water.
Aww... Mondo took away Spike? I wanted to see Raph's reaction to the unmutated turtle! 2k12 Raph loves Spike. What about the 2k3 one?
Good, I was having a hard time imagining human Rockwell, I kept picturing him as Falco. Does that mean he will have psychic powers later on?

Anyway, great chapter! I loved it! And please tell me that the boys will stay together from now on.
Techno Dawn chapter 22 . 6/5/2019
Quite a bit of poetic justice for Rockwell and Slash. I’m glad that Mondo and the guys got their happy endings. The part about Bishop and Pete was foreboding, but we can’t have their lives getting too dull, can we?
Techno Dawn chapter 21 . 6/3/2019
This was a really good chapter. So much brotherly bonding. Leo would be exactly the type to deal with stress by cleaning, and I loved how Mikey dealt with that. Thank goodness the scanners won’t be harming anyone. Everyone rallying around Donatello at the end was so sweet.
Brittany-Mel chapter 21 . 6/2/2019
I can’t wait for more!
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