Reviews for Woven Heartstrings
SaturnTails chapter 7 . 7/18
Chat’s gift to Ladybug is perfect, what a wonderful idea.
Izzy chapter 8 . 3/4/2019
I really enjoyed that story, thank you for writing it.
TLOS21 chapter 8 . 2/23/2019
*long sigh* Another beautiful story is concluded. This fluff story was absolutely adorable and lovely and wonderful and so cute! I love it! I'll see you in the next MLB fic you create!
TLOS21 chapter 7 . 2/23/2019
Aww! This was a really sweet and adorable chapter! I love it! I'll e in the next one!
TLOS21 chapter 4 . 2/22/2019
I was surprised that Chloé of all people in the fandom would help Marinette, considering how much they hate each other. And poor little lonely Chat. And no, I can't guess what she's giving Adrien. I guess I'll have to wait and see! See you in the next chapter!
TLOS21 chapter 3 . 2/21/2019
Heyo! It's me again! Anyway, yeah! I was surprised that you added in the fact that Emilie used to crochet. I was not expecting that, or Gabriel to be in the story. This story is very wonderful and so cute! I love it so much! Keep up the good work! See you in the next chapter!
Melllama chapter 8 . 2/10/2019
I loved thiiiiiis tho I lowkey wish they would've gotten together :'D But I get why you didn' t do it. Great storyyyyy
Wildfire's Flame chapter 8 . 2/8/2019
I really enjoyed this story and don't know that I would have found it if not for Taurus Pixies blog. I enjoyed the story immensely. I love reading things with warmth and caring and sweet gooieness. Makes me warm and fuzzy inside. The worry dolls were great but I loved the crocheting and the part where Adriens dad was actually a dad for once in his life. Thank you for a truly beautiful and thought out story. It's a great gift for your friend and to all of us that love the show.
sweetXDmelody chapter 7 . 2/7/2019
Worry dolls? That's new, and that gift exchange was cute
Taurus Pixie chapter 8 . 2/3/2019
AHHHHHHHHHHHH! It's over! Now what am I going to do? Noooooooo! I feel like my life is now complete yet so empty at the same time. I can't...I...I think you've broken me. I really don't know what to say. I'm lost for words...I think I need a good few seconds to try and process everything...

Hahaha, I know how it feels when struggling to write a chapter, especially when it just doesn't want to take form. I'm glad you were able to get plenty of help though. And you're right, this is just fanfiction and doesn't have to be at a professional standard. I put that pressure on myself way too much, so I know how you feel. No matter what, I would have loved it, and you always manage to write something really spectacular and magical!

This epilogue was soooo cute! I always just love reading about Marinette and Chat just getting to sit down and talk together. Marinette's near slip up was hilarious. Their gifts to each other were so cute as well! I can't take much more! I've ruptured my cute receptor and now I'm constantly twitching and convulsing because it's all so amazing and adorable! Though I did have to laugh at Marinette unknowingly giving Chat Noir the gift that he had made for her. But at least now he knows just how much Marinette treasures it.

I'm so sad that this story is over now, but the ending could not have been more perfect! It all felt so real and warm and cozy. It's literally the cutest thing I have ever read. I still can't believe that you wrote this masterpiece for me. I really don't know what to say. I'm always so awkward when accepting gifts and never really know how to react. My brain just refuses to process these things. And right now my brain is stuck trying to think of something to say, so I'm just rambling.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank, you! Words will never be able to convey just how happy and amazed and grateful I am that you wrote me something so wonderful. The fact that one of my long time favourite writers has wrote something for me...I'll just never be able to get over that. To go from being your fangirl to your friend has been a huge honour. You're one in a million and never stop being you.

Thank you so much for sharing this story and your talent with everyone. This story has been an emotional ride and I have loved every single minute of it. But at least I know I have 'One in the Same' to look forward to. I love your work so much and literally cannot get enough of it.

Once again, thank you for this. This story was truly a unique and amazing experience and I'll never forget all of the hard work that you put into this for me. It really means a lot to me.
Guest chapter 8 . 2/2/2019
I'm not the one this story was intended for, but i have to say:
You're THE BEST gift giver EVER!
kazza2182 chapter 8 . 2/1/2019
That was a beautiful chapter. I would love to read more of this story even though it was the epilogue! I just thought the relationship you built for Marinette and Chat had just the right amount of friendship, budding into something more. Heartstrings was a perfect name, you tugged on mine more than once through the whole story!
I would love to see this through the reveal of identities, any chance of writing a second story?
curryboh chapter 7 . 1/30/2019
I wanna make me some worry dolls now!
Soooo sweet
curryboh chapter 6 . 1/30/2019
I love this chapter SO:MUCH.
Taurus Pixie chapter 7 . 1/30/2019
Wow! It's not often a chapter brings me close to tears, but this one did! I have no idea why! I just felt so emotional while reading it, and the moments between them were just so touching! Everything about this chapter was just so perfect, I have no idea how you do it! You're so magical!

The gift ideas were pure genius again! I'd never heard of such dolls before, but they sound really interesting, and I'm glad that you once again thought outside the box. It makes the gift moment surprising and that much more special. I could imagine them all in my head, and they all looked amazing! I could do with one of my own...or a few thousand. I just wanted to cuddle Chat Noir so much when he gave those to her. Such a cute and thoughtful kitty! :3

Was the whole voyeurism thing a reference to Peeping Tomcat? Or am I looking too much into it? Even if it wasn't intentional, it still makes for a good inside joke. It was cute that you made a reference to your husband's old band as well.

The moment where Ladybug and Chat Noir were getting to know each other better was super cute as well. I was squealing the whole time I was reading it, trying to fight back tears. It all just felt so natural and so warm and lovely. I love moments where you can just see them being themselves with each other. I wish we had a few more moments like that in the actual show, and I feel like if they did include more, then this is what they would be like. I can so picture Ladybug and Chat Noir being like this with each other when nothing in particular is going on. You captured the chemistry between them perfectly! There was just the right balance of friendship, along with the hint that Ladybug/Marinette does care deeply for Chat Noir and possibly has feelings for him beyond friendship. Because, I mean, she technically does with him being Adrien and all.

Everything about this chapter was just so warm and perfect. I'm glad that I decided to read this chapter snuggled under a blanket on a cold, snowy day. It just really helped with the atmosphere. I'm so sad that this story is ending, but of course, all great things must do so. I'm super excited for the final chapter and to see what happens! Thank you so much for creating something so special, magical and wonderful for me. I can't believe that anybody would do something this nice for me. Words cannot express how much I love and adore this story, and I will forever treasure it!
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