Reviews for 12 Seasons of Bones
regbride12 chapter 12 . 1/12/2019
Yeah, my Christmas/bday gift all rolled into one-new multi-chp story from yas! :) bring it on! ;)

Back to this chp-that had to have been hard-dealing with loss of Max, Brennan's brain injury, Booth probably did experience mega back issues from the explosion.
I just watched the series finale a few days ago (TNT and their awesome Bones marathons ;)-on 3 days a week, about 20 eps total, sometimes more or less, depends) crazy to think in 12 weeks, one can watch all eps of Bones with the marathons ;) anyway, back to my point- I am so grateful they didn't kill any of the main 6 off. Brennan without Booth and Booth without Brennan, I just wouldn't bear it. I have watched too many other shows where they have killed off my favs and it sucks. Yet another one of a trillion reasons to love and watch Bones people! :)

Again, looking forward like mad to a new story!
regbride12 chapter 11 . 1/12/2019
This was AWESOME-I love the exchange we see off screen so to speak in your chapter. Sometimes I think it would have been nice to see Booth talk with Hodgins, but maybe the writers wanted to show that it took what Angela said to get him to want to stop being a jerk (I get why he acted like a jerk, but Angela and everyone else didn't deserve his anger).

The ending here-hehe...all for HER comfort ;)
regbride12 chapter 10 . 1/12/2019
Again, teared up- honestly I tear up during many episodes of Bones. This show is underrated and so are the actors, especially Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz.

I always found it so beautiful that as an atheist, Brennan still wanted her husband to get his faith back ("Lance through the heart" episode). She truly is Booth's rock.
regbride12 chapter 9 . 1/12/2019
Sigh...husband and wife...still makes me go HEEHEE HEE love love this chp. How far they came since It's a Christmas Eve miracle being stoned in the lab :) LOL!
regbride12 chapter 8 . 1/12/2019
Teared up...they make me emotional, what can I say? Lol

I really love how you show that Brennan has moved on from the past. That can't be easy, no matter how old you are. Her family clearly was a loving family, unlike Booth's (except Hank and in many ways his mom) despite the family being thieves. She has new memories, new life now with her Booth men (2 of them, 1 more a few years later) and her little mini me. Again, did I tell you how much I love the way you write them!
regbride12 chapter 7 . 1/12/2019
I STILL CANT GET OVER THIS! What show does this? Name one show that was successful at portraying not 1, but 2 couples in domestic life-to watch Booth and Brennan as a couple with kids! Same with Angela and Hodgins with kid!

Anyway, LOVE this sweet chp-the love is so palpable. Did they both ever think for a second they would be at that moment in their lives? I saw this past week the episode when Brennan says she isn't going to have children and TEEHEE-that's all I can say.
regbride12 chapter 6 . 1/12/2019
Oh can you make a conversation between these 2 hot! ;) I am surprised they waited as long as they did...but I get why. They had been through a lot of crap in their lives and this was something too special to rush. The epitome of a couple, a partnership, a love.
regbride12 chapter 5 . 1/12/2019
AHHH straightforward, no holds barred Brennan ;) I have to admit, I find it refreshing when Brennan speaks her truths-the one truth she could never speak of course drove us all crazy-HER IN LOVE WITH BOOTH! ;) but again, I understand-her heart was still repairing from age 15.

The undressing scene has to be one of the sexiest scenes in TV history-the way she slides his belt from his pants-just goes to show TV doesn't always needs to show over the top sex scenes. The 2 of them together is sexy enough ;)
regbride12 chapter 4 . 1/12/2019
Guh, why is it they bring me such joy!? You just write them so beautifully.

I am on episode 20 season 1 right now ( my second re watch from the start ever! ;)) and to watch this relationship evolve is so beautiful. Not to mention HOT- I think I have screamed at my TV multiple times get a room already! ;) yes, even though I know they get married with kids, I still can't help but scream it LOL
regbride12 chapter 3 . 1/12/2019
Yes, yes you did it justice and more :) I freaking adore this episode- everything about it. Brennan did finally get a Christmas with her family ( foreshadowing family being Booth and Parker someday :')).

I love how she is clearly in as much in love with Booth as he is with her- just were not ready to cross that line yet.

That kiss- sends shivers- so freaking hot (the first filmed one ;)).
JAG'ed Bones in the Casckett chapter 12 . 1/5/2019
thank you for all the work you do to continue this fandoms activity, on these boards, with your wonderful stories. I look forward to your next outing.
Guest chapter 12 . 1/5/2019
It was wonderful to have Christmas "episodes" for the seasons we missed - and expanded insights into the ones we got to glimpse. Love all your stories and how well they flow with the series. Thanks for writing!
FaithinBones chapter 12 . 1/5/2019
I loved your story. Thanks for doing the challenge
jsboneslover chapter 12 . 1/5/2019
Booth does get goofy and loopy with drugs...which would be kind of fun in its own way. You just announced a multi-chapter gift to US, so thank you in advance. Something to look forward to!
mendenbar chapter 12 . 1/5/2019
I wish I knew where he found it, I would love to give one to my daughter! She teaches middle school Spanish and has tons of skulls, including a couple I did for her for Dios de Muerta. The kids are fascinated by them. A skull in a snow globe would be great! Thanks for 12 great stories.
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